
Nitcentral's Bulletin Brash Reflections: Blake 7: Season Four: Warlord
Avon calls together a meeting of the leaders of anti-Federation planets in order to stop the continuing spread of Federation territory.
By Keith Alan Morgan on Saturday, July 24, 1999 - 7:01 am:

Great hairdo on the love interest. Yikes!

Soolin is pretty romantic for a cold-blooded mercenary killer.

By Keith Alan Morgan (Kmorgan) on Tuesday, February 06, 2001 - 2:26 am:

For those who don't remember the ep Traitor, Pylene 50 was originally a muscle relaxant and that a 100 times dose robs the will by, apparently, blocking the production of adrenaline.
Now, despite the drug working in Traitor, the Federation has increased the dose 50 times, making it the equivalent of 5000 doeses of muscle relaxant.
Why doesn't this stop a person's heart?
Why increase the dosage if the original vaccine still works?
If all Pylene 50 does is block adrenaline production, why not inject the victims with adrenaline?

Why didn't Orac announce the presence of a bomb in transporter earlier?

Tarrent is fairly close to the transporter when the bomb goes off, but, afterwards, doesn't look like he was near an explosion.

Tarrant says they are 30 yards from the mouth of the tunnel. When in the future was the Metric system repealed? ;-)

Despite the obvious fact that they were set-up & it is most likely a trap, Avon & Soolin take a long time to come to that conclusion & don't even draw their weapons until Avon sees the attackers.
As a mercenary gun-for-hire shouldn't it have been eagle-eyed Soolin who saw the attackers first?

In Games a big deal was made out of how fast Soolin can draw her gun. Her survival depended on it. However Soolin spends a lot of time fumbling for her gun when the Fed troops start attacking.

Given the slinkiness of Servalan's dress, where did she hide that bomb?

So did the bomb go off as Zukoff was ejecting Finn into space or was it just the blown out air that caused his ship to spin out of control?
Also doesn't Zukoff's ship have stabilizing thrusters?

We have much better computer graphics today, but apparently sometime in the future computer programmers will lose the ability to program decent looking graphics. (I think even for the time the ep was made they had computers that could produce decent looking blueprints.)

NNAN, but Dorian & his partner were apparently the only men on Scorpio & it seems unlikely that Dorian would stock up on extra space suits. So it seems odd that Scorpio has at least 3 space suits for the crew to wear. Not impossible, just odd.

By Chris Marks on Tuesday, May 16, 2006 - 8:18 am:

We have much better computer graphics today, but apparently sometime in the future computer programmers will lose the ability to program decent looking graphics. (I think even for the time the ep was made they had computers that could produce decent looking blueprints.)
Sadly, they would have blown the budget for the entire series just to get one of them for the BBC VFX department at the time this was made.
A few Acorn/BBC B computers would have been considered fairly close to state of the art back then anyway.

Anyway, maybe white block characters on black is easier to see in an emergency ;)

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