Moderator Archives

Nitcentral's Bulletin Brash Reflections: Voyager: Moderator Archives
Note from the Chief: As I was trying to figure out what to say about Voyager the phrase popped into my mind, "Now there's a show that people watch by the numbers: Number of crew members, number of shuttles destroyed, number of encounters with the ubiquitous Kazons and, of course, the most watchable number . . . SEVEN!" (Just joking.)
Anyway, as many of you know, I've spent several years compiling
brash reflections by hand for this series. You can find those ruminations at

By Lnovi (Lnovi) on Saturday, October 21, 2006 - 10:45 am:

Hi, everyone!

Luigi Novi here. I was logging into PM to correct a mispelling in a post, when I saw that Voyager and Movies were now in my Page Manager, so it looks like I'm the new moderator for both. (I had stated that I'd take Voyager if no one else wanted it, but was really enthusiastic for Movies when that one became available; I had no idea Phil would give me both, and no one contacted me.) Hopefully this won't be too much of a workload.

If anyone has any suggestions on how to improve these boards, do not hesitate to make them, or to offer constructive criticism.

Be advised that as per Phil Farrand's rules of Nit-C, profanity, insults, and ad hominem arguments (particularly those directed at fellow posters) will absolutely not be tolerated. If you cannot conduct discussions in an intelligent, civil, manner, then you are not welcome here.

Also, if you want to post anonymously, fine, so long as you do not do so merely to violate the site's rules, or to engage in sock puppetry. But please choose a name other than the plain "Anonymous." Be creative. Use your imagination. :)

By LUIGI NOVI (Lnovi) on Friday, January 05, 2007 - 12:43 am:

MODERATOR ANNOUNCEMENT: Because the season and episode boards are completely invisible in the Administration area, which cuts me off from them, I am going to move the content of all those boards by cutting and pasting all the individual original posts into super-large ones. This will rob them of their original text formatting, and may make it hard to read, but it's the only solution I can think of. I'm not sure how popular reading those past discussions is among the users here, but hopefully it won't prove to be too great a hardship. I apologize if it causes any inconvenience. I have so far moved all the posts from the first two seasons. In time I will gradually do so with the rest.

By Polls Voice on Friday, January 05, 2007 - 9:11 am:

Luigi, just do a find and replace add \ b { to the word By (case senstive), and then change m: make into a m:}

By LUIGI NOVI (Lnovi) on Friday, January 05, 2007 - 11:44 am:

To do what?

By PV on Friday, January 05, 2007 - 1:55 pm:

to bold the by this person and that person

By PV on Friday, January 05, 2007 - 1:56 pm:

to make it easier to read.

By LUIGI NOVI (Lnovi) on Friday, January 05, 2007 - 7:46 pm:

There aren' t any "\ b {"'s to replace. I cut and pasted from the user boards, not from the Administration area. Those boards weren't visible in the Admin area, remember? That was the problem. Had I cut and pasted from the Admin area, from which the tags would've been present, the formatting would've been retained on their own. Sorry.

By PV on Friday, January 05, 2007 - 8:01 pm:

no, replace the "By:" with "\b {By:}" and the same with the "m:" That way, it'll be an quick way to alter the from text and make it easier to read.

By PV on Friday, January 05, 2007 - 8:04 pm:

By: Chris Booton on Sunday, November 01, 1998 - 10:54 am:

Does Janeway raise the sheilds before the caretakers beam hits? I dont recll her ordering to raise sheilds, if she did not why not?

The original first oficer is seen running across the bridge just before the beam hits, why doesent he hold onto something?

Why cant the Kazon make water? Doesent making water simply involve burning hydrogen?

By: Omer on Sunday, November 01, 1998 - 2:18 pm:

Isn't this a cool episode? Lot's of good stuff. I saw it b4 I knew that voy was gonna get stuck in the Delta quadrant, and it was realy exiting!

I love how B'elanna calles Kim "Starfleet"

Nits? well... isn't it a BIT convinience that the people who hate Paris the most die?

other than that, great!

By: Anonymous on Sunday, November 01, 1998 - 9:24 pm:

Why didn't Captain Janeway just put a time bomb in the Caretaker's array? This way they could use the array to get home and the array will still be destroyed. But if they did this the story ends here, and we won't have a series. Guess the producers overlooked this one.

By: Nicholas Setzer on Monday, November 02, 1998 - 5:44 am:

I think that the producers made a grave mistake with this one; Captain Janeway had many options other than destroy the array before using it to get home (some include activate the wave thing that takes you home then just before it sweeps you away, fire the photon torpedos at the array, set the torpedos as mines, and many, many more).

I'd like to think that if Kirk was in the same postion he would have gotten the Enterprise home.

By: Omer on Monday, November 02, 1998 - 1:35 pm:

I think that if now, Voyager would have an episode when they are forced by something to the Alpha quadrant then, regardless what, it is gonna be destroyed but AFTER it sends them back to the Delta Quadrant!!!

By: Johnny Veitch on Saturday, November 21, 1998 - 7:42 am:

At the beginning of part two, when Voyager finds Neelix`s shuttle, there is a female ensign at the conn station. However, when Rollins is put in command near the end, the conn station is unmanned. What happened to the ensign?

By PV on Friday, January 05, 2007 - 8:06 pm:

no, replace the "By:" with "\b {By:" no, and the same with the "m:" That way, it'll be an quick way to alter the from text and make it easier to read.

sorry, that should have read
no, replace the "By" with "\b {By" and the same with the "m:" That way, it'll be an quick way to alter the from text and make it easier to read.

By PV on Friday, January 05, 2007 - 8:08 pm:

sorry to post yet again, what I meant by find and replace was that it would allow you to do it all at once, not for each individual post.

By LUIGI NOVI (Lnovi) on Friday, January 05, 2007 - 10:57 pm:

But, putting aside the added work all that would be, where does the Add a Message field have a "replace" function?

By Polls Voice on Saturday, January 06, 2007 - 4:56 am:

whereever you are getting the text of the old threads from Luigi. and its not that much added work. All you do is copy the thread into a txt file, do the find and replace (3 seconds), and and then copy paste the modified thread (being made bold), into Nitcentral like you have been doing.

Entire process takes no more than 10 seconds.

By LUIGI NOVI (Lnovi) on Saturday, January 06, 2007 - 9:09 am:

I'm copying them from the user boards, and pasting them into the Add a Message fields of the new boards. We're talking about approximately 25 episode boards per season, and in some episodes' cases, multiple boards, which means that in doing two seasons at a time, it's 50 boards or more, which, as it is, takes a few hours. It's tedious, painstaking work, and I'd rather not add more steps to the process. Sorry. :-(

By PV on Saturday, January 06, 2007 - 3:23 pm:

I don't think you realize how simplistic what I'm suggesting is, but whatever sinks your boat. (or internet connection. )

By John A. Lang (Johnalang) on Saturday, January 06, 2007 - 8:38 pm:

Personally, I think Luigi is doing a bang-up job to reopen the Voyager boards. It looks like hard work. Good work, Luigi!

By LUIGI NOVI (Lnovi) on Saturday, January 06, 2007 - 11:18 pm:

PV: I don't think you realize how simplistic what I'm suggesting is, but whatever sinks your boat. (or internet connection.
Luigi Novi: Actually, "simplistic" is pretty much the right word, since that word refers to the treating of complex subjects as if they were much simpler than they really are, so yes, I freely acknowledge that what you suggest is simplistic! :-)

I think you meant to say "simple", but how do you know how simple it is? Have you ever been a moderator? Have you ever seen what the Admin area of the site looks like? Me, I've been doing this for some time, and know what's invovled. How can you tell me that I'm the one who doesn't know how simple or difficult it is? I just described some of the detailed work that moving all that material requires, and you continue to insist that Oh, it only adds this many seconds to the task, totally missing the point that the task already takes too long. In fact, I just finished doing the Season 5 boards, and they took a total of about three hours and forty-five minutes to do, much longer than the previous boards, because many of the Season 5 eps had two or three boards, with each board so long that they required between from 2 - 5 cut-and-pasted posts to transfer all the info, as opposed to the Season 3 boards, which mostly required only one, as you can see by comparing them on the Last Day page. This also meant that I had to enable the Add a Message field on the Board 1 of these eps, and then disable it after pasting the material. Since the new site's setup is totally different from the previous one, all the different features of each board (Page Layout, Subtopics, Messages, Announcement, About Messages), jumping from one aspect or feature of a board to another means clicking onto a different screen. All of this adds a lot of time to the process.

This is the second time you've made a blase request that I totally change a large number of boards--the last time having been when you asked me to do something with every single one of the Movie boards, which consist of almost 1,200 boards! I mean, really, do you even read old posts that much? Can you really not muddle through as it is?

John A. Lang: Personally, I think Luigi is doing a bang-up job to reopen the Voyager boards. It looks like hard work. Good work, Luigi!
Luigi Novi: Thank you, John.

By Polls Voice on Sunday, January 07, 2007 - 8:16 am:

I wasn't meaning to offend luigi, and I certainly wasn't meaning for you to redo anything. At the time of my suggestion, you had only done two seasons, and I was thinking of the rest of Voyager, that you hadn't done so far. What I was suggesting was taking 10 seconds longer to what you were already doing. Yes, I know it would take a little longer when you add it all up. In any case, as I was saying, I made the suggestion when you only had done 2 boards wasn't intending for this to turn into some long debate or anything and only kept replying and such because I wasn't sure you were understanding what it was I was suggesting given your comment about not seeing a find and replace feature in the admin system.

My last comment was a small inside joke based on your internet experiences at home, that trying to open Voyager crashed your internet connection at home.

And no, I've never seen the layout of the moderator system of the new discus. But if you'd like to make me a moderator, you could show me.

Just kidding, I don't have the time to necessary for moderating any boards.

By LUIGI NOVI (Lnovi) on Sunday, January 07, 2007 - 10:03 am:

No sweat, dude. :-)

By Polls Voice on Sunday, January 07, 2007 - 12:31 pm:

I will say this though, clicking last day makes it look like Luigi is a Spam Bot!

I wonder how many posts nitcentral says he has anyway....

By LUIGI NOVI (Lnovi) on Monday, January 08, 2007 - 4:30 am:

Whew. And that's that. All the episode boards are now transferred. That leaves just the Sink boards, but that should be an easy hurdle at this point, now that the worst is done. Enjoy, guys. :-)

By PV on Monday, January 08, 2007 - 9:11 am:

yeah!! no more Luigi Spam!

By the 74s tm on Monday, January 08, 2007 - 11:24 am:

At least Luigi, you dont post on that screaming hurt -my eyes yellow!


By LUIGI NOVI (Lnovi) on Tuesday, January 09, 2007 - 7:20 pm:

Okay, the Sink's done, and with that, all of the Voyager boards.

One question, though: Can anyone tell me the episode in which Seven told Neelix that the Borg encountered the Kazon but did not assimilate them because their inferiority would take away from the Borg's perfection? There's a board with the topic in the old server's sink, and I'd like to merge it with that episode's board.

Thanks. :-)

By Torque, Son of Keplar on Wednesday, January 10, 2007 - 2:49 pm:

Mortal Coil

By LUIGI NOVI (Lnovi) on Wednesday, January 10, 2007 - 5:40 pm:

Thanks, I found it.

By Torque, Son of Keplar on Wednesday, January 10, 2007 - 6:12 pm:

I know, this strange man told me yesterday...

By Nove Rockhoomer on Saturday, January 20, 2007 - 9:21 pm:

Luigi, you've done a great job organizing the boards. However, with such a massive undertaking, the occasional error will creep in: the "Extreme Risk" post summarizing the previous posts apparently also got posted to the "Drone, Part 2" board as well.

By LUIGI NOVI (Lnovi) on Sunday, January 21, 2007 - 1:23 pm:

Thanks on both counts. :-)

By LUIGI NOVI (Lnovi) on Sunday, January 28, 2007 - 1:17 am:

I've renamed the Sink. Hope everyone here like it. :-)

By dotter31 on Sunday, January 28, 2007 - 7:00 am:

That's a good choice. Better than calling it 'The Void'.

By Merat on Sunday, May 20, 2007 - 2:07 pm:

The Voyager brash reflections back at the original Nitcentral page is a broken link. Could someone in power here let The Chief know?

By LUIGI NOVI (Lnovi) on Sunday, May 20, 2007 - 3:31 pm:

Why, is there something at the original site that's not here?

I'll email him via his private email.

For reference, however, Merat, in case you don't have his more public address, it's Make sure you put FOR THE CHIEF in the subject line so he gives it the attention it deserves. :-)

By Admin on Monday, May 21, 2007 - 6:18 am:


If you could tell me exactly how you reached the link you are referring to I will look into it!

Phil Farrand

By KAM on Monday, May 21, 2007 - 6:35 pm:

Not sure if this is what he's talking about but when you go to

& click on Star Trek: Voyager's Third and Fourth Seasons the /voyager/voyager.html doesn't work. Although you can get to the index by cutting the /voyager.html

By KAM on Monday, May 21, 2007 - 6:36 pm:

Oops, sorry the link says htm, not html.

By Merat on Tuesday, May 22, 2007 - 5:23 am:

From goto "CONTINUING COMMUNICATIONS" then click on the link for "brash reflections on Star Trek:Voyager". It takes you to an error page. Its all the original reflections on the show. Thanks! :D

By LUIGI NOVI (Lnovi) on Tuesday, May 22, 2007 - 9:34 am:

But Merat, didn't I post everything that was there here? Did I miss something?

By Dustin Westfall (Dwestfall) on Tuesday, May 22, 2007 - 12:17 pm:

The pages Merat is looking for predate Discus. Back then, Phil was putting his own thoughts, and replying to emailed nits and/or thoughts of others. The info there was never part of the boards.

By Merat on Tuesday, May 22, 2007 - 1:17 pm:

Exactly, Dustin. Luigi, you did a great job reposting everything posted here, and I've had fun the last couple of weeks watching old Voyager episodes and reading the old nits and comments here. I've found myself starting to respond to them and then noticing they were written LAST CENTURY! These items simply predate them. KAM's posting is a great workaround, too.

By LUIGI NOVI (Lnovi) on Tuesday, May 22, 2007 - 5:37 pm:

Thanks. And if Phil can fix those links, I'll try link to them here.

Btw, it's been a while since I've seen a post by you, Merat. Good to speak to you again. :-)

By Merat on Saturday, May 26, 2007 - 7:58 pm:

You too. Been busy busy busy with that "real life" thing that bothers us all so much. How have you been?

By LUIGI NOVI (Lnovi) on Friday, August 31, 2007 - 1:03 am:

inblackestnight (from the Tinker, Tenor, Doctor, Spy board): Sorry for letting you know here but there isn't a 'notes to the moderator' section.
Luigi Novi: Ah, but there is, night. Right here. :-)

Thanks for the heads-up on the Alice board. I fixed it, and deleted the posts from you and !. :-)

By inblackestnight on Friday, August 31, 2007 - 8:37 am:

Sorry about that. I rarely go to this board, and when I do I just click on one of the links without scrolling down. Thanks again Luigi!

By LUIGI NOVI (Lnovi) on Friday, August 31, 2007 - 10:27 pm:

Any time, brother :-)

By ! on Saturday, September 01, 2007 - 9:01 pm:

!, thanks Luigi, beam me up, Scotty!

By inblackestnight on Wednesday, September 19, 2007 - 11:02 pm:

Just FYI Luigi, several eps in the sixth season could use a second board, as I requested on the Fury & Life-Line boards. I guess it isn't really a big deal, since it's the same amount of information, it's just easier on slow computers, like mine.

By LUIGI NOVI (Lnovi) on Thursday, September 20, 2007 - 10:18 am:

If those with slower computers find it harder, then it's a big deal to me. Your wish is my command. :-)

The two eps you mentioned have been extended. Just name the other eps you feel need it. :-)

By inblackestnight on Thursday, September 20, 2007 - 11:16 am:

Actually, there are several boards in the sixth season that could use an extention, mainly in the latter half of the season. Thanks, you da man!