
Nitcentral's Bulletin Brash Reflections: Voyager: Season 2: Initiations
By LUIGI NOVI (Lnovi) on Thursday, January 04, 2007 - 11:54 pm:

A Kazon boy gets his Ogla name with Chakotay's help.
Notes: This was the first episode made for the 2nd season.
By cableface on Thursday, February 25, 1999 - 12:17 pm:

How come now, at the beginning of the second series, the crew start using the new sleeker tricorders?Where did they stock up?

By BrianB on Friday, July 09, 1999 - 5:40 am:

The Kazon capture Chakotay but do they kill him on sight? Of course not. They schedule him for death after supper.
The first of many shuttlecrafts bites the dust here.

By spacecase on Tuesday, August 17, 1999 - 3:30 pm:

Isn't the Kazon boy Nog from DS9?

By Chris Thomas on Wednesday, August 18, 1999 - 10:43 am:

He is indeed - Aron Eisenberg

By Mark Swinton on Friday, November 19, 1999 - 1:53 pm:

Wait a second- they didn't schedule Chakotay for death after supper. What they did was allow Kar an honourable last meal ("at the right hand" of the First Maje) before he was to be executed by Chakotay.

By BrianB on Tuesday, February 01, 2000 - 9:20 pm:

Mark, and what about Chakotay after that? His uniform may yet decorate their halls.
Why does the Kazon tractor beam project beyond the body of the shuttle craft as it was being towed in?
When fleeing an execution, was it wise for Kar to blurt out, "I'll show you how to disable the weapons systems"? No wonder the Kazon-Ogla got the weapons back online so fast.
For that matter, why did Kar have to show Chakotay how to do this? Why not do it himself?

By BrianB on Tuesday, February 01, 2000 - 10:18 pm:

Why is Paris sitting at the head of the conference table? Isn't that the captain's seat? Yes, I know he was put in command while Janeway, Tuvok, Kes and crewman beamed down to the moon to find Chakotay. Yes, I know it was the director's prerogative. It just seems odd especially since there was one more chair available and the center chair should be reserved for the captain. However, the direction of that scene required Janeway to walk around the conference table.

By Keith Alan Morgan (Kmorgan) on Thursday, March 28, 2002 - 3:54 am:

So why does Chuckles need a shuttlecraft to perform this ceremony? Couldn't he do it in the holodeck or in his room? (At the end he does use his quarters.)

The Kazon says that he will pay the price for displaying their markings in our space. Do Kazon ships come with the ability to change their markings at a push of a button? Do the Kazon Ogla really expect travelers to put on space suits & repaint their ship hulls when entering Ogla space?

Chakotay uses defensive pattern Omega 1, which as far as I can tell seems to be lazily turning back & forth while still heading mostly straight for a specific object.

So where was the Ogla ship when Voyager flew up to the moon? Shouldn't it have been in orbit of the moon?

Okayyyyyy, the scanners can't detect Chakotay throught the radiothermic energy, but transporters work with no problem???

Had to laugh when Kar asked this question. "What did you do to earn that uniform?" Get stuck in the Delta Quadrant, bushhead. Of course, Chuckles gives some BS about studying.

By Phillip Culley (Pculley) on Thursday, December 26, 2002 - 6:53 pm:

So what happened to Chakotay's medicine bundle? Presumabely Chakotay didn't have time to pick it up before being boarded by the Kazon, and after escaping I'd think Chakotay and Kar had more important things to worry about than rescuing the bundle, so one would think it got incinerated in the explosion?
Unless, of course, it's easily replicated; but surely it should have some ancestral value rather than something that can be recreated all the time...

And my mother commented (and she doesn't notice thse things usually) that it was a bit odd that Chakotay, an ex-Maquis and ex-enemy of the Federation, would go on about what value his Starfleet uniform has to him

By John A. Lang on Saturday, May 22, 2004 - 9:02 pm:

My question is WHY didn't Chakotay seek a place of solitude on the ship at the beginning of this episode like he did at the end of the episode?

By John-Boy on Sunday, September 04, 2005 - 9:08 am:

This episode first aired on UPN 10 years ago today.

By Mr Crusher on Monday, September 04, 2006 - 6:36 pm:

John A Lang, could it be because a shuttle with just Chakotay on board has ALOT more solitude than a ship full of 150 other crewmen?

By inblackestnight on Wednesday, May 30, 2007 - 6:27 pm:

"How come now, at the beginning of the second series, the crew start using the new sleeker tricorders? Where did they stock up?" cableface

Not only new tricorders, but the newer phasers as well. Speaking of phasers, when Janeway, Tuvok, et al were trapped in that Kazon field Janeway gives her's to Tuvok in order to find the proper frequency to break free, but he already has one.

At least thrice in this ep federation sensors are not what they should be. While Chuckles is doing his prayer thing he gets shot at without even the slightest warning of an incoming vessil. Later, when that Kazon battleship, or whatever it's called, approaches the sensors just call it an alien vessil, when Voyager encounted one of them in Caretaker. For some reason, Voyager's sensors couldn't tell the origin of debris either time when the Enterprise-D has many times. Also, is the Doc the only one qualified to search for remains, or did he just want some screentime?

Chakotay tells one of the Kazon that if he had maps of the region he would've avoided their space. Maps might've helped a little but are only two-dimensional; I believe what he needed were charts.

Neelix tells the senior staff that the Kazon like to train with live ammunition, but I'm pretty sure that ammunition is a term for projectile weapons. Energy weapons are always live, it just depends on what setting they're on.

We first learn about the Trabe in this ep, and meet them later in the season, "Allainces" I believe. I'm a bit surprised how few nits there are for this ep.

By LUIGI NOVI (Lnovi) on Thursday, May 31, 2007 - 6:25 pm:

Few nits? Did I just hear a gauntlet thrown down?

(Clears his throat)

Okay, here we go:

Maybe they thought he was acting out a jihad
Hal Schuster, in The Trekker’s Guide to Voyager, stated that he didn’t mean to rain all over Chakotay’s beliefs, but questioned whether he really had to go so far away that Voyager’s long range sensors couldn’t maintain a bead on the shuttle. Was this really wise, given that the Delta Quadrant is largely unknown to them, and that what is known is quite hostile? And if they did have his shuttle on sensors, why didn’t they notice he was engaged in battle?
Chakotay: “Computer, I called for evasive maneuvers. Please respond.”
Computer: “Lovely weather we’re having, isn’t it?”
Chakoty: “Computer, why did you just make a beeline to that moon? That’s not what I wanted!”
Computer: “You seem really tense. What’s really bothering you, Commander?”
Chakotay: “Computer, carry out my orders!”
Computer: “Are you upset with me?”
Chakotay: “Computer, will you just respond directly to my orders? Why do you keep ignoring what I’m saying?”
Computer: “See? There’s your evasion! Happy now?”

Hal Schuster also pointed out that after escaping the Kazon with Kar, Chakotay orders the computer to perform an evasive maneuver. The shuttle slowly banks, then makes a beeline for the moon, but that hardly qualifies as an “evasive” maneuver.
As if this episode already didn’t seem long and drawn out
In trying to persuade Kar to break off his attack in the teaser, Chakotay tells him that his ship is only “a few light years” away. As I point out numerous times under nits for various episodes of this series, Voyager can travel no more than 2.739 light years a day at maximum warp. If “a few” means “three,” as I take it to, it would take over a day for Voyager to reach Chakotay and Kar’s location.
From the “Woman’s Work is Never Done” Files:
Why does Janeway go on the away mission to recover Chakotay, while Paris and Kim stay on the ship?
Today IS a good day for my cues to be out of sync with the special effects!
After the shot of Chakotay and Kar’s shuttle spinning out of control towards Tarok, we see the Voyager crew finding another debris sample. Kim begins transporting it. We hear him while the shot is of Janeway. The next shot is of Torres already leaning over a table/console as if looking at something (the sample), but the transporter whine is just beginning as the scene cuts to her, as if it hasn’t appeared yet. Why was she hunched over that surface? What was she looking at? The debris sample hadn’t even appeared yet!
She just smelled it. Chakotay was wearing his special Sky Spirits Cologne, for “that wild Indian tracker in you”
Ya gotta hand it to Torres. She can tell if a small, twisted piece of burned, broken-off metal comes from a particular shuttle just by looking at it for a couple of seconds! No tricorder, no scanner, just a brief visual glance at a piece of debris.
And the Gandhi Double Talk Award for best euphemistic justification for learning how to kick someone’s ass goes to…
Kar asks Chakotay in the cave in Act 3 if they taught him battle skills at the Academy. Chakotay says no, that they taught him to defend himself in battle. Isn’t that “battle skills?” Chakotay was apparently trying to make a point about fighting only in defense versus attacking someone without just cause, but the phrase “battle skills” does not inherently denote aggression, as opposed to defensive fighting.

By inblackestnight on Friday, June 01, 2007 - 7:38 am:

What I meant to say was that I am surprised on few posts of nits there were for this ep, since both our posts combined take up about half the board. There are probably still more to find too.

"She can tell if a small, twisted piece of burned, broken-off metal comes from a particular shuttle just by looking at it for a couple of seconds!" LN

I'm not positive but I think there were red SF markings on the side of that piece of debris.

By dotter31 on Friday, June 01, 2007 - 1:57 pm:

Luigi, I loved your red-letter header with Chakotay and the computer. I cracked up when I tried to visualize that in my head. Does it take you long to come up with them?

Neelix tells the senior staff that the Kazon like to train with live ammunition,

That was a poor choice of words on the writers' part, but perhaps Neelix meant that the Kazon use weapons on lethal settings and not something like a laser tag system.

By LUIGI NOVI (Lnovi) on Friday, June 01, 2007 - 10:53 pm:

Thanks, Aaron. No, I pretty much just made them up as I went down the list, which took a matter of minutes. There have been times, though, when I had "funny heading block", which was more common when I was doing it every week, back when new episodes were being aired. Poor episode quality was also another thing that made it hard at times to be inspired to keep coming up with them.

I don't know if you've seen my headings for ST IV and ST VI, but I recommend 'em. They're among the ones of which I'm proudest, particular the ones that comprised a running gag.

By LUIGI NOVI (Lnovi) on Friday, June 01, 2007 - 11:00 pm:

Oh, and speaking of "visualizing" them, I've sometimes thought of making little cartoons of them, that would be used to illustrate the Trek nit book that at one time I considered trying to publish.

By KAM on Saturday, June 02, 2007 - 12:44 am:

That would be cute.

By Ruth on Saturday, August 16, 2008 - 4:26 am:

After Kar has fired on the shuttle and is beamed aboard, Chakotay discovers he can not contact Voyager.

Chakotay - "Computer, damage report."
Computer - "long range communications, lateral sensor array and aft shields are offline."

Yet when he is escaping with Kar from the Ogla (on their way to the moon) the dialogue is

Chakotay - "Computer, damage report."
Computer - "Aft shields at 63%"

Wasn't that nice of the Kazon to repair Chakotay's shields? Or do the shuttles repair themselves if given enough time to relax and recuperate?

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