Basics Part I

Nitcentral's Bulletin Brash Reflections: Voyager: Season 2: Basics Part I
By LUIGI NOVI (Lnovi) on Friday, January 05, 2007 - 12:38 am:

Using Chakotay's son as bait, The Kazon-Nistrim take control of Voyager.
By Chris Booton on Monday, November 02, 1998 - 10:56 am:

Earlier in the series they state that voyager cannot survive an attack by 3 kazon fighters, and yet here if it would not have been for the zazon guy who blew up they would have beaten those four warships!?!

Did they make an upgrade?

By cableface on Friday, March 19, 1999 - 4:25 pm:

When the ship flies directly overhead while taking off, shouldn't it cause a strong wind on the ground?At least enough to toss the crews hair around.

By Charles Cabe (Ccabe) on Saturday, March 20, 1999 - 12:58 pm:

It should. The BOP from Star Trek IV does.

By BrianB on Friday, July 09, 1999 - 9:08 am:

I have a real problem with the way Seska easily baits Chakotay: "They're coming for your son, Chakotay." (Making sure the camera shoots the baby first), "Not for me, for your son!"
And despite V'ger's outguessing and outsmarting the Kazon, Janeway kept stepping in one big steaming heap of Kazon doodoo after another. Like predictably rescuing a helpless Kazon who pretended to be a defector, but then self-destructed, literally, as the "human bomb" or "huma-bomber". :-)
Then Janeway coldn't activate the self-destruct (narf)!
Then the Kazon pilot the Voyager like it was the classic Enterprise will all its toggle switches labeled (double narf)!

By BrianB on Monday, July 19, 1999 - 11:04 pm:

Speaking of camera, who was shooting Seska's distress call to Chakotay? Herself? A sympathetic Kazon? Most transmissions have the person look into a fixed monitor/camera/whatever. Guess Maje Cullah had an old-fashioned 50-lb. film projector on his shoulder and couldn't keep his balance.
However the P.O.V. was looking up. Was the transmission shot by "Mini Maje"?

By Adam Bomb on Sunday, September 17, 2000 - 5:40 pm:

At the end, when the Kazon commandeer Voyager, there is a slew of orders that are (closed) captioned but never said.

By Mark Swinton on Sunday, October 08, 2000 - 11:56 am:

At one point in the episode, when Janeway and the crew discuss the Kazon attacks on the ship's starboard ventril, she says "it feels like we're being pecked to death by ducks." Well, here on the campus of the University of York, we have a sanctuary for wild birds, including several kinds of duck and goose. They don't peck you unless you try feeding them out of your hand and the misjudge how they bite at it; otherwise, if you even try to steal upon a duck, they run like mad! So I think it would have been better for Janeway to say "it feels like being chewed at by pirhanas" or something like that.

By cableface on Monday, October 09, 2000 - 2:48 pm:

I believe the point was that they were slowly accumulating damage from several weak attacks.It is my understanding that piranhas can skin a cow in under two minutes, or something like that, so I don't think they'd count as "weak". Let us simply assume that these were quite angry and violent ducks.

By Chris Marks on Wednesday, April 04, 2001 - 3:55 am:

Why did no-one bother asking what systems run through the area the Kazon were attacking, or re-route all systems away from there, or even re-inforce the shields around there?

Voyager sets up the holographic Talaxian ships to pull four of the Kazon ships away, then flys past the other four. Warp drive at this point is still working, so why don't they run for it? Or did Janeway get 12 minutes and 35 seconds in the "how long before Voyager gets blasted into its component atoms" betting pool?

And wouldn't ten minutes on the auto destruct have been a bit generous. The kazon have already shown they know somethings about Voyagers systems by attacking one specific area, so they may have known how to disarm the destruct systems.

By Palandine on Tuesday, April 24, 2001 - 8:30 am:

Holodoc suggests using the holo-emitters to project a decoy ship into space. BLT says that would be all but impossible.

However, in Prototype Chuckles brags on BLT that she was able to do this while in the Maquis. Why would it be so much more difficult on what is obviously a better-equipped ship?

Anti-nit--they did end up doing something like that, although it failed miserably. BLT could have just been exercising the engineer's prerogative of making every task sounder more difficult/longer to accomplish than it is (although she also said in an episode from this season that she didn't do that).

By Palandine on Friday, May 11, 2001 - 10:56 am:

A question to follow up on the breastfeeding discussion on the Deadlock board:

Umm, Cardassians are pretty phenotypically reptilian. Reptiles are not mammals. So, why is Seska breastfeeding her kid? I know, I know, the Cardies also have hair, which doesn't make sense either, and I know that in The Chase from TNG that it appears that all the races are descended from one species, if you believe them, but still, I think they missed a good chance to have her feeding the kid ground-up bugs or something.

By LUIGI NOVI on Friday, May 11, 2001 - 1:27 pm:

I don't think there's any evidence that DEFINITIVELY shows the Cardis to be reptillian.

By Palandine on Friday, May 11, 2001 - 1:42 pm:

That's true, and a fair enough anti-nit. The women do obviously have breasts and they have hair, so that would seem to indicate a non-reptilian evolutionary background.

But then there's the other side--they don't like the cold or even what we would consider the warm (slightly ectothermic?). They have scales. Some of the Bajoran writings seem to refer to them as "the serpents," although that can be symbolic. In A Stitch In Time (not canon, but what the hell) Garak talks about Bashir's impatience with his (Garak's) "reptilian mindset." Plus, well, just look at them.

See ya later, alligator

By LUIGI NOVI on Friday, May 11, 2001 - 2:11 pm:

I don't like the cold, Palandine. So what are you saying? Are you calling me a spoonhead? Huh? HUH?

By Jwb52z on Friday, May 11, 2001 - 3:16 pm:

The part of the Cardassian that is reptilian is their brain. That's why they are almost xenophobic. I read that in a Trek reference book in case anyone cares. The rest of their physiology is like a mammal as far as I could understand.

By Palandine on Friday, May 11, 2001 - 3:28 pm:

Jwb: The part of the Cardassian that is reptilian is their brain.

P: Lactation isn't just a breast thing, Jwb. It requires stimulation by hormones released from the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland, both of which are located in the mammalian brain. A reptilian brain should not be able to produce these hormones.

I don't want this to turn into a Comic Book Guy debate over how many Cardassians can dance on the head of a pin, it's just another missed opportunity to show something TRULY alien.

By Jwb52z on Friday, May 11, 2001 - 6:10 pm:

::P: Lactation isn't just a breast thing, Jwb. It requires stimulation by hormones released from the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland, both of which are located in the mammalian brain. A reptilian brain should not be able to produce these hormones.:: Palandine

I didn't mean to say that their brain was entirely reptilian. I just meant that that is the part that is closest to being reptilian. I said it inaccurately. With evolution, you don't really know what will happen with some alien physiology.

By Keith Alan Morgan (Kmorgan) on Thursday, July 12, 2001 - 5:05 am:

Palandine, Mammals evolved from Mammal-like Reptiles which evolved from Reptiles. Also I read somewhere that hair was believed to evolve from scales that split into fine... 'lines.' (Not the right word, I know. It's been a few years since I read the article.)

Janeway's intelligence takes a step backward in this episode. Clearly the baby is bait for a trap, but Janeway is willing to risk the ship and the crew to rescue the child, who might not even be Chakotay's.
The Kazan medical technology was enough for Seska to restore her Cardassian appearance so why couldn't she alter the baby's features?
Maybe the transmission was created on the ship's computer? But neither thought seemed to occur to anyone on Voyager.
As for the rescue mission... Did Janeway think to let some of the crew stay at the Talaxian mining colony or have some in shuttles? No. Did she consider using a shuttle for the rescue? No. When the idea of using holograms to fool enemy ships was suggested, did she consider using the hologram emitters to project a false image around Voyager to make it look like a Kazan ship? Of course not, this is the season ending cliffhanger and common sense got in the way of the writers' ideas.

Tearna gives the security code and I assume that the Universal Translator makes it understandable for us, but then it prints out the code in English on the screen. Shouldn't it appear in the Kazan numbering system and alphabet? Depending on how the security code should be entered any number of problems could be encountered. For all we know Cullah's name could be a symbol and must be entered as such.

Late into the show, Chakotay says that Tearna should be restricted to quarters on a secure deck and Tuvok agrees. Shouldn't they have done this already???

Amazing that by blowing out the secondary command functions the ability of the ship to self-destruct is prevented. Shouldn't such a important order have backups?

I realize Janeway is dazed by the failure of the self-destruct order, but couldn't she lock out the controls?

Exactly why did the Doctor turn himself off? Doesn't Seska know about him?

How many people are on Voyager? I thought it was somewhere around a hundred, but when they are on the planet it looks to be somewhere between 20 to 40 people.

Janeway is walking and the crew is clustered closely together and without naming names she says 'you will be the team leaders.' Then without any sign that anyone said 'you are in alpha team, you are in beta team', etc., they break up into teams and everyone knows which team they belong to. Was I the only one confused by this?

By Phillip Culley (Pculley) on Saturday, January 26, 2002 - 6:28 pm:

I was also surprised about the team layout - especially when Janeway did a 'Descent' and took herself, the first officer and the chief engineer in her team, leaving Neelix of all people to lead a team? Wasn't Carey (or Jonas) available to take it rather than a civilian?
In addition, why didn't anyone twig that the self-destruct codes were stored in the starboard vetral section?
Finally (and I found this in a book) Hanon IV looks very volcanic when Voyager lands, however once they've landed a lot of the lava vanishes.
On a lighter note though, I loved the Doctor's 'man overboard' moment

By Vicky on Monday, February 25, 2002 - 3:08 pm:

Hey everyone,

I noticed something....I think. Chakotay goes to sickbay halfway through this episode and Tirnar, the wounded Kazon is there. The two stand eye to eye and Chakotay ends up holding Tirnar against the wall. Shortly after, Chakotay leaves. Why'd he go to sickbay in the first place? Just to threaten Tirnar?

By John A. Lang on Sunday, May 23, 2004 - 7:22 am:

WHEN WHEN WHEN will Janeway & the others learn NOT to trust the Kazon in anything they say or do?

I found myself LAUGHING at the crew getting marooned on that desolate planet for being too sympethetic to Seska & the wounded Kazon. OBVIOUSLY, NOBODY read about "The Trojan Horse" story

To paraphrase Bugs Bunny, "What a bunch of maroons!"

(Maroons that are marooned---that is!)

By John A. Lang on Friday, June 11, 2004 - 6:39 pm:

NANJAO: The footage of Voyager using its landing gear comes from "The 37's"

By inblackestnight on Wednesday, January 31, 2007 - 6:04 pm:

The incompetence of the crew is exceptionally high on this episode. The ease at which the Kazon took control of the ship is not plausible.

How did that injured Kazon know he would be placed near a vital system, and why was he put there to begin with?

Tuvok says that they are being boarded through the shuttlebays. Does Voyager have more than one? KAM already mentioned locking out the controls but does Voyager even have intruder repelling procedures? Use containment fields, seal the bridge, flood a compartment with knock-out gas... anything other than nothing.

The species that wasn't even good enough for the Borg sure can repair and operate a highly advanced vessil from another quadrant pretty well.

By LUIGI NOVI (Lnovi) on Wednesday, January 31, 2007 - 8:29 pm:

Neelix’s dialogue in Act 2 of Parturition established that there is only one shuttlebay on Voyager. The Doctor's dialogue in Act 5 of Macrocosm later corroborates this.

By Chris Booton (Cbooton) on Wednesday, January 31, 2007 - 8:43 pm:


Use containment fields, seal the bridge, flood a compartment with knock-out gas... anything other than nothing.

I've often wondered why they don't have turret type of phasers or an ED-209 or two for such situations.

By inblackestnight on Thursday, February 01, 2007 - 7:36 am:

When did Voyager start in relation to DS9? I ask because if it started after Homefront they could be using those phasers used to sweep for Changelings and just boost the setting.

By LUIGI NOVI (Lnovi) on Thursday, February 01, 2007 - 10:52 am:

The show premiered mid-season during DS9's third season.

By inblackestnight on Thursday, February 01, 2007 - 12:28 pm:

Then there goes the Homefront idea, it was in the 4th season. Thanks for the info Luigi.

By David (Guardian) on Wednesday, October 24, 2007 - 8:43 pm:

Voyager's crew gets the "Boneheads of the Year" award for their stupidity in this ep.

By LUIGI NOVI (Lnovi) on Thursday, October 25, 2007 - 7:14 pm:

David, I think they have a mantle filled with those from throughout the series. :-)

By dotter31 on Thursday, October 25, 2007 - 7:24 pm:

Maybe a cargo bay.

By LUIGI NOVI (Lnovi) on Friday, October 26, 2007 - 6:38 pm:


By Tim McCree (Tim_m) on Monday, April 21, 2008 - 2:58 pm:

Since when does the captain alone have the authority to order an auto destruct? In every other Trek series, the captain needs one or two other senior officers to add their own authorization codes, before he/she can order the auto-destruct. Shouldn't Chakotay (or Tuvok, or Torres) also have to add their codes?

By Daniel Phillips (Danny21) on Thursday, November 19, 2009 - 8:25 am:

Maybe the Cardies are reptiles but they have mammal characteristics because they are aliens, why would alien reptiles behave like earth reptiles, that’s a common flaw in TV they have aliens that evolved from an animal similar to one of ours but they have characteristics identical to our animal.

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