
Nitcentral's Bulletin Brash Reflections: Religious Musings: Specific Debate Topics: Personal Decision Topics: Proselytizing
By LUIGI NOVI on Friday, February 20, 2004 - 11:48 pm:

Hear about the proselytizing airline pilot? Read about it here.

By Brian Webber on Saturday, February 21, 2004 - 12:59 pm:

I heard about that guy. What a friggin' loon. Glad he wasn't the pilot on my recent flight.

By TomM on Saturday, February 21, 2004 - 2:26 pm:

The op-ed piece that Luigi linked to indicated that Mr. Findiesen had "recently visited a Christian mission and wanted to 'share his emotions.'"

It is a common phenomenon for someone who was recently converted, and has "seen the light," to want to spread the good news. Unfortunately, its almost as common that the new convert in his ecstacy loses all common sense and drives everyone around him crazy.

It is not confined to religious conversion. Think about people you know that just quit smoking, or who found the "perfect" diet.

Fortunately, most of these people come back to their senses after about a month, quicker if something comes along to dis-illusion them.

By Hannah F., West Wing Moderator (Cynicalchick) on Thursday, November 18, 2004 - 11:17 pm:

Speaking of proselytizing...

Funniest, saddest thing I've read in years.

By MikeC on Friday, November 19, 2004 - 6:12 am:

Why was that funny?

By R on Friday, November 19, 2004 - 7:16 am:

This is in reply to TomM (Not to slight you hannah I just didn't find anythign about the news article you linked to funny or have anythign to comment on it.)

I don't know it seems like some people take longer to be deprogrammed when they get infected. Of course I have been trying to fight with them to keep them sane and break their programming for the past year so that might be why my friends have been acting even worse. They went from being good, loving fun people to be around to uptight anal retentive prudes who think it is immature to joke or laugh about sex or act childish. No maturity is about knowing when to be childish and when to be serious. But now that they have severed all ties (including threatening me with a restraining order if I don't leave them alone) I sincerely hope this infection burns itself out and they go back to being normal soon.

By MikeC on Friday, November 19, 2004 - 7:20 am:

While it is not Christian to be uptight or anal retentive, I do think that when a person becomes a person of faith, he or she will change personality-wise. Before I became a Christian, I used to be cruder and more vulgar. Now, I don't find those things funny anymore and to a certain extent, several friendships have ended and a few are strained (such as with one who finds it funny to mock my religion when I talk with him). Things happen, people change.

By R on Friday, November 19, 2004 - 10:17 am:

Yes but not all change is for the better. The way these people changed is that unless you have religon, and act the way they do and believe the way they do and bow down and kowtow to their beliefs you are not worthy of their friendship or attention and judge you less good than themselves. And yet they continue to say they are exactly the same people they have been all along and all they want to do is live their life their way. That they are not judging and saying they are better than anyone else.

Well I tried for the past year to stay friends with these people, to continue to do the same good, fun things that we had always enjoyed doing and everytime we did so i got a lecture or harumphed at or told that i was wrong for acting that way. And I am sorry to say this but most of the "christians" I have dealt with are uptight, anal-retentive, and prudes. So I would have to say from my experiences that it is very christian to behave in that manner.

By Mark Morgan-Roving Mod (Mmorgan) on Friday, November 19, 2004 - 10:28 am:


I don't know it seems like some people take longer to be deprogrammed when they get infected. Of course I have been trying to fight with them to keep them sane and break their programming for the past year so that might be why my friends have been acting even worse. They went from being good, loving fun people to be around to uptight anal retentive prudes who think it is immature to joke or laugh about sex or act childish.

This does not match my experience with the Christians in my family. Then again, I grew up in a church where the pastor's doctoral dissertation was on humor in religion.

By R on Friday, November 19, 2004 - 11:31 am:

There is such a thing? Maybe. But I don't see it.

By Mark Morgan-Roving Mod (Mmorgan) on Friday, November 19, 2004 - 12:03 pm:

Sorry, but that man knew more jokes about his own religion than anybody else you have ever met. Believe you me.

Not all religion is represented by the sturm und drang of the modern uber-conservative religious right, R.

By R on Friday, November 19, 2004 - 1:26 pm:

I sincerely hope so. Unfortunately I think I have been running into all of the uberconservatives. Exemplified in my in-laws and my exbestfriend. He actually told me to my face that church was more important than friends, especially friends like me.

By DA on Wednesday, December 01, 2004 - 3:48 pm:

I had a pilot say a short prayer before taking off on a flight I was on. I wasn't bothered so much by the "Oh Lord we thank you for the blessing of this fine day," but "we comend our lives into they hands oh Lord" is NOT the sort of thing you want to be hearing from a pilot as his hand is reaching for the throttle.

By Matt Pesti on Wednesday, July 20, 2005 - 11:16 am:

DA: Hey, you go when he wants you.

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