Hollywood A.D.

Nitcentral's Bulletin Brash Reflections: XFiles: Season Seven: Hollywood A.D.
By Lee Jamilkowski on Monday, April 10, 2000 - 1:49 pm:

Tea Leoni and Gary Shandling... need I say more?

By Jason on Sunday, April 30, 2000 - 7:12 pm:

I liked the quote: "Sir, have I pissed you off more than usual?" I just found it funny.

By S. Wong on Sunday, April 30, 2000 - 7:57 pm:

This is a pretty funny episode.

So Scully knows two Spooky's ... Fox "Spooky" Mulder and Sr. Spooky.

"Can't get good Science from Catholic school." I disagree.

"... Roadrunner ... Wile E. Coyote" then a meep-meep sound from the guy on a bicycle when they're on the set. :-)

David to Tea : "I'm a big fan of yours."
Tea to David : "No kidding."

Skinner is Skin-man ... that's a hoot! At least, he's the only one admitting to a bubble bath.

By Mandy on Sunday, April 30, 2000 - 8:02 pm:

So how about that opening sequence? For a minute I thought I was watching Indiana Jones: "You cannot destroy the Grail, Dr. Jones!"

Now Scully reads Greek? Puh. Since when?

There was something funny about those cell phones. Not only did they sound odd, but their alarms are apparently very difficult to locate.

I find it hard to believe Skinner would support exposing the Bureau to Hollywood like this. I did like his college buddy though; Wayne had some pretty good lines.

Why did Hoffman try to blow up the manuscript? Why not just take it?

Was it me or did Scully seem uncharacteristically giggly in this episode?

I've reached in inescapable conclusion that the only man who can write funny X-Files is the guy who wrote Humbug and that one about the cockroaches.

By Slinky Frog on Sunday, April 30, 2000 - 8:03 pm:

Speaking of those bubble baths scene. I'm still trying to get over the shock. If Maulder got another call, and it's from the Smoking Man, also in a bubble bath, I was prepared to hurl!

Though about Tea's Leoni's Scully admitting being in love with Skinner, I wouldn't put it past the real Scully, to have feelings for the real one. Even though she said to Maulder, she may have said it to throw off Maulder.

I really don't know, if there are any nits, I can find in this episode. It did manage to blow me away.

Nice dance scene at the end! ;-)

By Shane Tourtellotte on Sunday, April 30, 2000 - 8:22 pm:

Mandy, it was the Ark Indy was threatening to destroy if he didn't get Marion, not the Grail. Yes, I know, "get a life" and all that ...

Mulder asks Scully to sit in on the autopsy of Micah Hoffman(a second famous 60s radical named Hoffman?), which implied to me that somebody else was already scheduled to do it. Instead, we see Scully performing it alone. Did she give the other doctor(s) the night off?

A couple episodes ago, Scully makes this big conversion to New Age-ism to save her old flame. This week, she's back to Catholicism as though nothing happened. Maybe Gillian and David should have compared notes while writing their respective scripts.

How did the lab guy get such complete recordings from shards comprising perhaps half a bowl? For comparison, how coherent would half an LP record be?

Fleeing from the screening, Mulder hunkers down in the graveyard set ... still in place sixteen months after it was used in filming. No Hollywood studio would leave a set up that long after it had served its purpose.

And sixteen months after the Hoffman/O'Faolain case was over, Cardinal O'Faolain is supposed to have killed Hoffman, then himself? What brought *this* on, after all that time had passed? Not exactly heat of the moment.

I do have to hand it to David Duchovny, though. He hit some perfect notes. Leoni asking Scully how she runs in those heels--and those wind sprints in the background afterward--was worth the price of admission alone. And I can entirely believe that Fox is a "Plan Nine" junkie. Good work, David.

By Amos on Sunday, April 30, 2000 - 9:26 pm:

Very enjoyable.

I seems to me that the X-Files has only been good when they are mocking themselves. I mean, how many spooky or mythology episodes lately have been that captivating. Perhaps it is why the show should end, story burn out.

But this episode was hilarious though. btw, could someone explain the dancing spirits at the end? Oh, wait I just realized it. (really, just as I was typing this) Mulder's joke about what zombies do, right?

By Murray Leeder on Sunday, April 30, 2000 - 11:18 pm:

Awful, awful episode. A snot-nosed TV reviewer for one of my local paper called it an all-time low for The X-Files. I'm loath to agree with him. This time I have to.

The only thing I can think is that, like such other significant breaks with reality like Postmodern Prometheus and Triangle (both of which, unlike this episode, were good), it will have no relation to the remainder of the series. I'm glad. I'll try to forget Skinman or "giddy laughter" Scully as fast as possible (funny, Duchovny wrote an episode in which only his character has dignity. Hmm...)

This episode makes me doubly sad that Paul Cornell, Martin Day and Keith Topping won't write another edition of X-Treme Possibilities. I would have loved to hear their take on this episode. It's a disgrace to Plan 9 from Outer Space. Yes, you read that right.

I was too rapt in jaw-dropped shock to really nitpick. But aren't Cardinals homebodies, off in Rome? Shouldn't O'Fallon have been an Archbishop?

By Murray Leeder on Sunday, April 30, 2000 - 11:19 pm:

Oh yeah, and, didn't Millennium do an episode like this? Didn't Millennium do it BETTER?

By Sarah Perkins on Monday, May 01, 2000 - 1:07 am:

I think I have to agree with Murray (though my opinion is not worth much, since my fan status is only one season old). There were possibilities in this episode, and none were developed enough. Even the "funny" parts were, for the most part, not funny enough (the beginning of "Unnatural" was better :) ).

A few good points--Mulder/Scully moments: the Plan Nine conversation (though I hated the way it was shot) and the story about Sister Spooky (and Mulder using the name for Scully later). A return of emphasis on Scully's "real" faith, i.e. the genuflection and her questions about faith and insanity; odd that I'd have to wait for an ep by Duchovney for that (see my rant on the "all things" board--though that was a much better ep than "Hollywood AD"). Realistic reaction from Mulder; any portrayal of him on film would have to embarrass him at least a little (esp. since we know he really loves the redhead. . . . )

Real annoyances--Scully was scaring me for a while there. She actually seemed to be enjoying the movie. I was relieved when she expressed hope that it would "tank". Gary Shandling as MovieMulder. That almost made me sick. Tea was actually not a bad Scully, even had a good voice for it. The real Lazarus Bowl case would have made a good X-File, but nothing was answered in it at all here. I hate that. WAY too many "injokes".

Regarding the "injokes" : Nit: (since we don't deal in reality) how much did Skinner tell his pal anyway? Cigarette Smoking Pontiff? (let's hope CSM never hears about this film) Bees? (in connection with a M&S kiss) How much does Skinner know? I'm sure M&S would not give Annoying Screenwriter any kind of private interviews.

Anyways. . . . looking forward to next week. I've always been interested in dopplegangers.

By Sarah Perkins on Monday, May 01, 2000 - 1:59 am:

Oh, I forgot--

Mulder has watched "Plan Nine" how many times? 42? No wonder he and Scully are dicussing serious topics right then--isn't that the answer to life, the univers, and everthing? (not to mention Mulder's apt. #)

By Hans Thielman on Monday, May 01, 2000 - 6:29 am:

If Mulder and Scully were that unhappy with the film, could they not have forced the producers to change the names of the characters?

Skinner and his college buddy don't seem to be about the same age.

Is Tea Leoni married to David Duchovny in the X Files universe?

Who would get top billing: Gary Shandling, Richard Gere or Tea Leoni?

By The Twelfth Man on Monday, May 01, 2000 - 8:25 am:

Loved the Tea Leoni in-jokes!


By ScottN on Monday, May 01, 2000 - 8:28 am:

I also thought Mulder reciting the dialog from "Plan 9" along with the flick was very funny and in character for him (though I suspect he can also repeat every moan and groan in several porn films too!).

By Mark Morgan on Monday, May 01, 2000 - 9:26 am:

Finally, an answer to the question that's been haunting me. Skinner was on the verge of divorce, and an encounter with a succubus convinced him to tough it out. What happened? Apparently, he didn't tough it out, as that young woman hanging on him looks not at all like his ex-wife.

"I like how you guys work. No warrants." The whole show could have had more lines from the screenwriter.

I laughed, I cried, fun show. But now I have to go, as I've signed on an expedition to find the plot of this episode. If I don't report back in three months, send out a search party.

By Amos on Monday, May 01, 2000 - 10:03 am:

Oh a nit about O'Fallen's arrest. Scully says they should wait until he finishs his sermon to allow him his dignaty, then as soon as he says his last word they rush the pulipit. Would waiting until he stepped down and maybe out of the room, have been a little more kinder?

By ScottN on Monday, May 01, 2000 - 10:42 am:

She freaked out because of her vision/hallucination.

By Charles Cabe (Ccabe) on Monday, May 01, 2000 - 12:07 pm:

>If Mulder and Scully were that unhappy with the film, could they not have forced the producers to change the names of the characters?>

They probably signed a release before they saw the final film.

My 2 favorite scenes: The running of the Scullys. It distracted me for the entire scene. (BTW, I wonder if the scene was inspired by the Nitpicker's Guide)

The bubble bath scene: Scully is "packing", Mulder is "at the computer" and Skinner is (surprisingly) "taking a bath".

BTW, I wonder if CSM will rig this film to win an Oscar. It would be a good way to discredit Mulder.

By MikeC on Monday, May 01, 2000 - 1:06 pm:

The main trouble with this episode is that the basic plot about the fake Gospels and the Lazarus Bowl is actually very compelling. Also, assuming that Wayne Federman is not a liar, there were real paranormal elements to this case. Thus, I wanted to see more about the plot, and maybe retain the (funny) movie elements for something else.

Also, I was getting the impression like David Duchovny was writing an X-Files sketch for "Saturday Night Live" or something. Some of it was way too over-the-top (funny, but goofy, know what I mean?).

Harris Yulin was, as always, superb, yet rather wasted as Cardinal O'Fallon a.k.a. Cigarette-Smoking Pontiff.

By S. Donaldson on Monday, May 01, 2000 - 5:08 pm:

A movie based on Jose Chung's "From Outer Space" would have been better, and an in-joke in itself.

By DonnaL on Monday, May 01, 2000 - 5:35 pm:

I really want to like this episode. Much of it is funny. But there is also much that leaves me disappointed.

The whole Lazarus Bowl plot was left hanging. There seemed to be something that was making people hallucinate that was just ignored.

Who was it that was really killed in the crypt and what was he doing there?

If Micah Hoffman (an obvious take-off on the Mark Hoffman forgery-murders) was converted, why did he leave up all the blasphemous art in his place? And why didn't he just confess the forgery to O'Fallon?

And why would the Cardinal kill Hoffman and then commit suicide? Out of embarrassment for being fooled? The forgery was revealed, the problem was over. The Jesus-Judas correlation made no sense at all.

And why do we have to have another religious lunatic story without any balance?

By Matt Pesti on Monday, May 01, 2000 - 9:39 pm:

The Story: Most hole filled, nit ridden, piece of trash ever concocted.
The Movie Subplot: Great.

Let's begin.
- Exactly What makes this gospel appear so real? "It's authentic looking" doesn't work

- Since when do American Churches have Catacomes, as well as rare (Possibley authentic) relics?

- I have deep doubts a Cardinal would perform Mass where atendence is limited to 13 people. They have underlings, there is paperwork to do.

- So no one noticed a public person like a Cardinal, who has numerous meetings et alt, was going a bit crazy.

- They completely messed up the Lazarus pot subplot.

- So who was the dead body.

- Only under Janet Reno can FBI agents arrest a Cardinal, something even the S.S. would not even do, in a middle of a service.

Alternate Explaination
-The set was a stock peice they were using to film a current film.

By allegra on Tuesday, May 02, 2000 - 11:40 am:

Micah Hoffman reminded me more than a little of Timothy Leary....
If I were Mulder and Scully and on four week's vacation, and visiting Universal studios, I would definitely ditch the power suits for shorts and sandals....
the hard hat had a "made in Israel" sticker...like I was supposed to get some deep meaning from that...
Scully was drinking wine and calling Mulder from a bubble bath, "just to see what he was doing?" That's a booty call if I ever saw one.
Mulder's reaction to the kiss from the movie dude was great.
Tantrums over tofurkey!
now what was this episode about? can I buy a clue?

By ScottN on Tuesday, May 02, 2000 - 1:34 pm:

It wasn't a "hard hat". It was a popcorn bowl promo item designed to look like the "Lazarus Bowl".

By MikeC on Tuesday, May 02, 2000 - 5:17 pm:

He reminded me more of Abbie Hoffman, who WAS the original Yippie.

Perhaps the case was MEANT to be silly. After all, nobody would want the best episode ever shoehorned with a silly movie plot.

By Allegra on Wednesday, May 03, 2000 - 1:12 am:


By Movie Scully on Wednesday, May 03, 2000 - 9:05 am:

Is that your flashlight, or are you just glad to see me?

By Rick Nunes on Wednesday, May 03, 2000 - 10:33 am:

Mandy: I think DD as director let a little too much of the real GA through in this one. There was also some uncharactaristic giggling by her in the Unnatural as well.

This episode had some funny moments, but I was dissapointed with it overall. I especially liked the inside joke of Shandling maybe being a bit interested in Mulder. That goes back to the times DD was on the Larry Sanders show and he seemed to be hitting on Larry all the time.

By Aaron on Wednesday, May 03, 2000 - 10:51 am:

Significance of the Lazarus Bowl "made in Israel": remember, Jesus lived in/near Israel and that's where Lazarus lived, as well.

Best line: "Yeah, like Tea Leoni would ever have a crush on me." - Mulder

By Murray Leeder on Wednesday, May 03, 2000 - 11:17 am:

On reflection, this episode is even worse than I thought. And no, the movie isn't funny either. Here's why - movies like that aren't made today. Oh sure, movies are made that are bad, very bad, as bad as they ever have been. But not that kind of bad (certainly not Hollywood pictures). It would be better if we saw a movie that was technically slick and impressive, but awful nevertheless. Instead, Duchovny gave us something with the same reality level as your standard episode of Animaniacs.

By the way, doesn't anyone (Mulder? Biederman? Skinner? Duchovny?) realize that Richard Gere hasn't been a star for about a decade now? (Pretty Woman was his last real hit)

By Hans Thielman on Wednesday, May 03, 2000 - 12:27 pm:

Without script approval in advance, I doubt the FBI would have given its stamp of approval for the film.

By DonnaL on Wednesday, May 03, 2000 - 1:24 pm:

Was that Chris Carter in the audience in the opening? Also there was somebody who looked an awful lot like Minnie Driver.

By DonnaL on Wednesday, May 03, 2000 - 1:53 pm:

And another thing that bothers me about this episode: Scully keeps talking about the dead not knowing anything, or caring, but she's had several different experiences with life after death. Seeing her father. Talking to Melissa on the phone. And that nurse when she was in the coma.

In fact, a lot of her religious observations were really ridiculous and out of character. Though I didn't mind that she smiled more and was kind of giggly.

By ScottN on Wednesday, May 03, 2000 - 2:17 pm:

Not to mention the Ghosts who Stole Christmas.

By DonnaL on Friday, May 05, 2000 - 9:36 pm:


By Matt Pesti on Thursday, May 25, 2000 - 9:43 am:

Actually the dead not knowing, comes from the Book of Eccleseaties

By Matt Pesti on Thursday, May 25, 2000 - 9:43 am:

Actually the dead not knowing, comes from the Book of Eccleseaties

By Murray Leeder on Tuesday, May 30, 2000 - 2:10 pm:

Two things - for one, Mulder must have reedited his copy of Plan 9. The scenes he and Scully watch aren't nearly as close together.

Furthermore, the Walrus does not says "Coo coo ca choo." He says "Goo goo g'joob." I thought everybody knew that by now.

By Dori-Ann on Wednesday, July 05, 2000 - 8:47 am:

I have a theory about the Lazarus Bowl... I think that Micah Hoffman put something in the bowl (like LSD, a sixties kind of drug) when he made it-- it seems to me that he would be amused by people halucinating from a holy relic. The Screenwriter/producer could have brushed up against it at some point and not realized it (thus the dancing bones) and Scully there was handling it for an extended period of time (which is why she had two visions and not just the one. What do y'all think?

By Chris Thomas on Wednesday, July 26, 2000 - 5:47 pm:

DonnaL - yes that was Chris Carter in the opening teaser, in the movie audience, and I thought it was Minnie Driver as well. Given Duchovny is an upcoming movie with her, perhaps it was around the time of filming and he asked her to make a quick cameo.

By annelies mariano on Thursday, July 27, 2000 - 7:18 am:

I read a press release regarding this episode and yes, it was Minnie Driver.

By trekkerxphile on Thursday, July 27, 2000 - 1:50 pm:

Was another guy from the movie Return to Me (the one Duchovny did with Driver) there as well? I thought I recognized him sitting by Driver & CC. It looked like the guy who played Duchovny's best friend in the movie. Can anyone confirm that?

By D. Stuart on Sunday, October 15, 2000 - 5:17 pm:

Minnie Driver and David Alan Grier were indeed in the scrolling scene of onlookers in the audience, since both of them starred with David Duchovny in the movie Return to Me.

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