Via Negativa

Nitcentral's Bulletin Brash Reflections: XFiles: Season Eight: Via Negativa
I moved the messages that I thought this episode here from the Redrum board. If I moved a message that you think there and not here please tell me.
Summary: Working without Scully's inputer, Doggett and Skinner try to avert a mysterious murder spree of a rug-induced, religious cult leader who leaves no trace of evidence at the crime scenes.

-[From the official X-Files Site.]
By Josh M on Monday, December 18, 2000 - 7:15 pm:

I guess I'll put Via Negativa's nits here.
When Skinner and Doggett go to the drug dealer's house, they flash their IDs. Skinner shows his upside down.

By Chris Booton (Cbooton) on Wednesday, December 20, 2000 - 11:45 pm:

Im suprised no one else has anything to say about this one. I'm pretty sure it ranks up as one of the bloddist X-Files of all time though.

I dont get why the guy didnt just kill Doggett like he did the others, what was so special about him? And if he wanted Scully dead why not go into her dreams like he did with the others (possible answer being he could only do it to people he's met, but had he met those two agents from the teaser?)

Could rat bites really kill you? Loss of blood from them could, but I dont recall seeing lots of blood comming from the guy in the cell, he could have had a heart attack though, but why didnt the guy kill him with the axe like the others? Did he want to make his death ironic being he kills a lot of rats for experiments?

By Sarah Perkins on Thursday, December 21, 2000 - 12:37 am:


Re your question about the death-by-rats, I believe it was stated in the episode that a person's own worst dreams influenced the way they died in the dreams (ie, the homeless guy is swallowed by concrete, Doggett is faced with responsibility for the death of his partner). I don't know if you could die from rat bites....

If you want to get tricky, maybe Tipet didn't get a chance to kill Doggett like the others because his opportunity didn't come till he had put himself in a coma. I'm not sure how much of Doggett's dream was from Tipet and how much from his own fears--Scully may or may not have saved his life, but we aren't going to be told which. Another great XF twisted ending.
[I think he only mentioned Scully dying because this was in Doggett's dreams, this was a way to get to Doggett]


By Chris Booton (Cbooton) on Thursday, December 21, 2000 - 10:43 am:

I think you could die from rat bites if they hit a artery or your jugular vein and they can bite very hard and very painfully.

Your answer do make sence though, (about the nature of the peoples dreams and why tippet didnt just kill doggett)

By Anonymous on Thursday, December 21, 2000 - 4:04 pm:

Rat bites can kill if the rats carry disease or bite so much that the person goes into shock. Shock can be fatal.

By S. Wong on Thursday, December 21, 2000 - 7:31 pm:

Yeah, the Bubonic Plague brought about by rats. Don't know how long it takes before someone dies.

It's nice to see Skinner again. :-)

By ScottN on Thursday, December 21, 2000 - 9:24 pm:

Actually, it was carried by the fleas that the rats had.

By S. Wong on Thursday, December 21, 2000 - 10:29 pm:

Oh, my bad. :-P

By Anonymous on Friday, September 17, 2004 - 8:18 am:

Cute touch...the name of the Tippet's dealer is "Andre Bormanis". "Andre Bormanis" is the name of the science consultant (and occasional writer) for several Star Trek series.

By a1215401784510 on Monday, July 07, 2008 - 5:43 am:

good 1215401784510

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