Per Manum

Nitcentral's Bulletin Brash Reflections: XFiles: Season Eight: Per Manum
Summary: When Scully digs deeper into reports of alien fertilization on humans, she questions her own pregnancy and its conception.

-[From the official X-Files Site.]
By S. Wong on Monday, April 02, 2001 - 10:22 pm:

Questions : So after all this, Scully still has no answers to her own pregnancy? Are all ob-gyns on the "keep it secret" group?

By constanze on Thursday, January 10, 2002 - 11:24 am:

Yes, I thought that is a big nitpick, too: A conspiracy has to be small to work. you can't tell all gyn. doctors about what to do with an alien baby, because there are thousands in the U.S. and someone would spill the beans. Otherwise, the conspiracy is extremely lucky that of the 3 doctors the women went to and nurses in the OR everybody was part of the conspiracy. But I guess that during the abduction when the embryo was inplanted, they (aliens?) also implanted a subconsious order to visit only certain doctors (maybe like post-hypnotic suggestion?).

I also find it odd that scully fleeing a conspiracy goes to the military, which to me is a first source for conspiracy: you can order people without explaning anything, and you can even order them to keep silent... but probably it's an instictive reaction, because scully is a navy kid.

By Jesse on Tuesday, July 15, 2003 - 10:03 am:

This ep had really good music.

That aside, what exactly is the deal with these conspiracies and their poor preparations and coverups? Duffy Haskel is really David Haskell, a Marine whose identity is changed and is believed to be dead, except for one thing: his fingerprints!

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