DeadAlive (Part 2 of 3)

Nitcentral's Bulletin Brash Reflections: XFiles: Season Eight: DeadAlive (Part 2 of 3)
Summary: When a former abductee awakens from the dead, Scully pins her hopes on resurrecting the recently buried Mulder.

-[From the official X-Files Site.]

Goofy Summary by me:
Ah, in several worlds or less, this happened:

Billy Miles is found in the ocean, dead, but later not dead. Skinner and Doggett dig Mulder up, despite Doggett's whining. Mulder lives! (insert vombie noise)

Scully holds his hand and looks sad for most of the hour while this happens: Kycek shows up and offers a 'vaccine' that can cure Mulder to Skinner. But only if he keeps Scully's baby from being born. Skinner decides that killing Mulder would be better, and trys to do so. Doggett stops him and finds out about Kycek and the vaccine.

Doggett tries to get the vaccine from Kycek the old fashioned way (jumping into a moving car) and fails.

Scully finds a tradional medicine way to save Mulder by taking him off life support and pumping him full of anti-viral stuff.

It works. Mulder wakes up. "who are you?" he jokes. They smile, they cry. Doggett sculks away like a sad third wheel of a school boy.
By Amos on Sunday, April 01, 2001 - 8:28 pm:

Mulder lives. big deal.
I thought this episode was pretty enjoyable.

One thing that keeping getting on my nerves is this whole Doggett Protects Scully deal. It just makes me annoyed with Doggett for being such a whiner. Personally I think Scully can take care of herself. Other than seemly always lapsing into tears she seems do be doing pretty good.

By Jason on Sunday, April 01, 2001 - 8:41 pm:

I thought this was an ok episode. It was nice to see Krychek and the Nanites of Doom are still around.

But seriously, what season was Skinner given the nanites and how long do those little suckers last before their batteries run out? Those things should have gone dead long ago unless someone's been sending Skinner relpacement Nanites of Doom.

By Amos on Sunday, April 01, 2001 - 10:06 pm:

I've always thought that nanobots would run on the energy of the body they're in. But that's a good question. What does power nanobots?

By Lee Jamilkowski (Ljamilkowski) on Sunday, April 01, 2001 - 10:10 pm:

Technically, this episode was only part two of two. Three Words continues the story, but is not technically part three.

So, Billy Miles is an alien? He just kind of disappeared. What did they do with him? Is he going to turn into one of the vicious little ones from The Beginning?

So Scully is now at least six months into the pregnancy. I wonder if The Lone Gunmen will cover the three months where we don't actually see what Scully and Doggett are doing.

By swpng74 on Sunday, April 01, 2001 - 10:34 pm:

I wonder why this episode had Krychek in the trailer (I remembered they downplayed it the last time) ... would've been a nice surprise if they kept mum and when A.D. Skinner started wobbling at the hallway, we would've known it's Krychek and the nanobites. Krychek showed quite a large amount of the vaccine ... didn't the WMM give a smaller dose to Mulder when he went to rescue Scully from the ship? I'm guessing it's the same elusive vaccine.
Glad to see that Skinner wasn't about to cave to Krychek's demand. Hmm, now I wonder what's so special about Scully's unborn child ... guess that's what we'll find out either on the rest of the season or in a movie if that's upcoming eh?

By ScottN on Sunday, April 01, 2001 - 11:29 pm:

I didn't see the trailer, and I still knew it was "Skinner of Borg".

By Sarah Perkins on Sunday, April 01, 2001 - 11:32 pm:

I enjoyed this episode. Stellar acting from Gillian, as usual, and from Robert Patrick and Mitch Pellegi (sp?) as well. Re: the return of Mulder--sure we all knew it was going to happen, but it could have been very cheesy or boring or ••••••, and the good writers managed to avoid all of these extremes. I loved it.

That said, I thought Mulder was awfully coherent for someone who just woke from the dead/a coma. I could accept the joke (who are you?), but he was far too articulate to be completely believable.

Yes, nice to see the return of Krychek and his 'bots. I'd heard spoilers about this, but it was still extremely creepy to hear him offer Mulder's life for the baby's. And the fight between Krychek and Doggett was awesome. I hope we get to see more of this eventually. :)

I too am wondering about the nature of Scully's unborn child. Also, did anyone else think of CSM in "Requiem" when Absolom was spouting his stuff about the Bible being prophcies misread?

My take on the Doggett Protects Scully issue. If you haven't caught on by now, Doggett does not simply respect his partner. He has an enormous crush on her. Watch the end scene and tell me that's not true. Since he doesn't believe in the X-Files (not really), why did he give up his career to remain in that basement office? Because of Scully, and because he has come to respect Mulder too (re: "The Gift"). He's no truth hound, unless it helps him catch the bad guys; I just hope no one ever convinces him that M&S are the bad guys!


Happy Nitpicking!

By Amos on Monday, April 02, 2001 - 6:41 am:

Yeah I got to agree on the crush thing too, Sarah.

By MikeC on Monday, April 02, 2001 - 7:00 am:

A good episode that trotted out some long-forgotten plot elements (nanites), some inane plot elements that I wish I'd forgotten about (Alien Virus of Doom), and gave some more fun times with John Doggett (what a sad ending scene).

Note: Doggett's reactions are sort of sound in the beginning. After Doggett dismisses Billy Miles, Scully gets mad at him. Doggett's query is, however, very astute: "Do you believe that aliens are really going to save the Earth?" And from previous watching of the show, I'll have to say no, Bob.

Next Week: Three's Company, X-Files style.

By Mr. Luxury Yacht on Monday, April 02, 2001 - 9:02 am:

Was anyone else saying to themselves that Doggett should at least get a little bit of that vaccine off of the floor so that it could be analyzed (by Scully or a chemist friend) and they could produce it themselves?

(IE, maybe, just maybe, they could delay the virus's progress just enough so that the could fabricate the vaccine and give it to Mulder (recall at the point Krychek dropped the thing, Doggett didn't know if Mulder would survive, and he certainly seemed insistent on getting the vaccine))

By MikeC on Monday, April 02, 2001 - 10:01 am:

That's what I thought Doggett was going to do, and I think that crossed through his head...but was it actually a vaccine at all? It might have just been a poison, a common liquid, anything. Perhaps Doggett recognized just what it was at close view when he examined it.

By Amos on Monday, April 02, 2001 - 11:06 am:

Yeah, Doggett should have tried to get some of the vaccine off the ground, there was a good bit of it.

As for the vaccine itself. Is it really a 'vaccine'? I think someone brought it up in the discussions about the Movie but can you really call something a vaccine if it cures something that someone is already infected with? Wouldn't this be more of an antiviral thing or something? Or maybe it does both, I don't know, but somehow calling a cure a vaccine doesn't sit right with me would an explaination. But then again, I'm far from being a doctor so maybe I should just shut up until I get smarter.

What I really want to see if the this fight between Mulder and Doggett next week.

Also did anyone else think that the sixpack (I know it's goofy term for them) scars on Mulders face looked really goofy and fake? But I do have to toss one to the creators for showing them on him in the preview for next week. At least they aren't super healing wounds like we see that are gone by the next episode.

By Chris Booton (Cbooton) on Monday, April 02, 2001 - 11:53 am:

Does anyone else get the x-files on global? And why is it that even when watching it on fox globals broadcast always broadcats over fox's (ie ill have the station on fox but it will act as if it's on global despite the fact it's not)

This is very annoying as global NEVER shows previews.

By Hans Thielman on Monday, April 02, 2001 - 12:01 pm:

I think Scully should have said "The needs of the one outweigh the needs of the many" to Mulder.

By Sarah Perkins on Monday, April 02, 2001 - 1:47 pm:

I watch XF on Global, and I'm not quite sure what you mean. Are you giving the reason they never have previews (and we have to download them from the Haven if we want to know what's going on)?

They did cut a scene short (I think, I haven't checked the online clips version yet) with a commercial last night, which annoyed me.

By Chris Booton (Cbooton) on Monday, April 02, 2001 - 4:08 pm:

I mean if I fox and global for example both have the same episode of the same show on at the same time (as in sunday nights lineup) if Im watching it on fox i will gett he global boradcast over the fox one, even with my TV on fox I will be getting the global broadcast.

As a result Im forced ot watch it on global :( , as an example of last night

Durring King of the Hill , near the end watching it on fox, suddenly it switched to globals broadcast which was a good 3 minutes behind fox's . I checked my TV and it was still on channel 28 (fox) yet I was getting global's boradcast all of the sudden. This was has been going on for years, and with other canadian stations show something at the same time as an american station, even with my TV on the american one I get the canadian stations broadcast. Often this happens durring the simpsons theme where it will begin as normal, and arroudnt he couch part, suddenly it switches to a comercial and the theme begins again except with globals "on global" spam , flying accorss the screen at the begining. It's as if I switched it to global but didnt.

This annoyes my as the candian ones NEVER show previews while the american ones always do.

Could rogers (the cable company) be doing this for some moronic reason?

Think it is this way, many bigger websites have american and canadian versions, both will have the same content, except for a few things (for example if it's selling stuff the prices will be in Canadian $$) say you went to , and suddenly after 15 minutes of browsing it, suddenly it switched to the canadian content despite the fact that you were still att he american site, and after that when ever you went to you'd get the canadian version. This is what is esentually happening.

But if it is the cable company doing it, who would I contact to ask them to stop? As I think it's very annoying.

By swong74 on Monday, April 02, 2001 - 10:15 pm:

Interesting ... a love triangle in X-Files. ;-) And yeah, I agree Sarah, it's been obvious that Doggett respects and cares a whole lot about her. I remember how affected he was when she was in the hospital. Wonder what's going on in his mind right now (conclusions he might have ... esp. since he asked her how well she knew Mulder) that Scully is obviously pregnant. But neither do we know what's so special about the baby.
Wonder if Doggett or Skinner is gonna tell Scully about the danger to her unborn child posed by Krychek. Seeing Doggett asking her not to go see Mulder, I think he won't and just keep a close eye on her.

By trevor b on Tuesday, April 03, 2001 - 3:06 pm:

doesnt anyone stay dead on this show!?!?!?!?!

By Josh M on Tuesday, April 03, 2001 - 8:54 pm:

Could someone please post a synopsis on the episode? I missed it and I don't really care it it's spoiled, I just want to know what happened, please.

By Amos on Tuesday, April 03, 2001 - 9:28 pm:

Look up top, I just added a goofy summary. just for you.

By S. Na on Thursday, April 05, 2001 - 10:44 am:

So Skinner thinks Scully's baby is Mulder's, Scully's sure it isn't, and Krycek wants it dead.

Hmmmm...sounds like I might be right in thinking the baby is CSM's clone.

By Lauren Mag on Thursday, April 05, 2001 - 11:11 am:

Trevor b: actually a lot more people stay dead on this show than other shows. their all bad guys and infomants, but still.

I wanna know where the aestrial plane was in this episode, mulder could have had a family reunion! Probably didn't want to py all the actors to come back...

By MikeC on Saturday, April 07, 2001 - 6:05 pm:


*Deep Throat (uh, aside from his 'ghost' appearances)
*Bill Mulder (ditto)
*X (aside from flashbacks)
*Mrs. Mulder
*Captain Scully (again, ghost appearances)
*Melissa Scully
*Quiet Willy (I was bummed about this guy)
*Crew-Cut Man
*Well-Manicured Man
*apparently Jeffrey Spender
*Diana Fowley
*anybody else?

I wanna know what happened to the...Grey-Haired Man. This guy had big roles in "Memento Mori" and "Zero Sum," but he just vanished. I thought he would reappear in that one episode with Scully and the CSM, but I don't know if that was him.

By B.J. on Monday, April 09, 2001 - 3:20 pm:

They're back! The past two and a half seasons or so, it's always seemed like Mulder and Scully (and lately Skinner) have been replaced with slightly out of character clones -- but they were back in this episode (Scully was a little emotional, but under the circumstances, it's understandable.)

On the other hand, I know modern science can do wonderful things, but it can't regenerate dead skin cells. In the end, Mulder's skin should have been sloughing off like Billy Miles' . . . although aesthetically, I am eternally thankful to the creators for not showing us another rotten limb splitting scene.

Is Billy Miles' legal name really Billy? Shouldn't his charts say "Miles, William"?

This isn't strictly a nit, but seeing as this is an even numbered season, you knew Mulder had to die and come back to life at least once . . .

And speaking of crushes, there's no way after seeing this episode that I will believe that Skinner doesn't love Scully, on some level or another.

By constanze on Wednesday, January 16, 2002 - 9:48 am:

I think, too, that doggett should have scooped up the liquid after krycek dropped the vial. But I don't know how far advanced normal science is in analyzing and manufacturing an unknown liquid.

Of course, I also wondered the same thing in the movie: Mulder finds Scully, injects the cure, and throws the vial away! Not a thought of saving a drop to be analyzed and used for the good of mankind...

I thought after the episode with the other pregnant, abducted women it was pretty clear that Scully's baby will be an alien. Why should she get a different one? All the other women were abductees, barren, but suddenly pregnant despite, and gave birth to an alien baby. (I still wonder about that episode that scully, M.D. can't do the examination herself. She wasn't that much pregnant to be encumbered and there was a lot of distrust about which doctors belonged to the conspiracy). But of course, if we had seen a real ultrasonic of her baby, the suspense would have been spoiled, and scully would have had an ethical dilemma. Maybe that is why she is just waiting - she doesn't want to know what or whos child it is because that could be very painful.

About the nanobots: I did not think about their energy, but why Skinner still has them at all. I mean, the bots are controlled by some kind of wireless radio. So if he takes a vial of his blood to the lone gunmen or some other scientist and lets them experiment with it, they should find some frequency to fry the bots, or disable them or what. I mean, I'm no scientist, so I don't know what would work getting rid of them, but I have seen no evidence of Krycek monitoring Skinner permanently, and I would certainly explore every possibility of getting rid of the bots. Especially, as skinner as FBI director should pull some weight.

The shower scene with billy was a little bit gruesome, but why did he bleed so much? The skin looked pretty dead, and the new skin underneath wasn't bleeding at all.

How come turning Mulders life support of stopped the development of the virus? After all, he looked dead and was buried, without life support. billy spent 3 months at sea. Just what kind of enviroment does this virus need to develop: bury for 3 months, then hook up to life support 24 h and take a shower afterwards?

Also, the virus acted again different on billy than in the movie! But then, we don't know how many viruses and aliens are out there, do we?

By ScottN on Wednesday, January 16, 2002 - 10:31 am:

The shower scene with billy was a little bit gruesome, but why did he bleed so much? The skin looked pretty dead, and the new skin underneath wasn't bleeding at all.

I didn't think he was bleeding... it looked more like he was sloughing off the dead skin.

By APD on Tuesday, February 05, 2002 - 6:06 am:

How canKrychek manage to drive a car and fight Doggett at the same time, hes only got one arm after all.

By someone whos guessing on Tuesday, February 05, 2002 - 10:18 am:

just because he lost an arm doesn't mean he only has one remaining.

By APD on Wednesday, February 06, 2002 - 8:22 am:

that makes no sense at all (good answer though)

By a1215401765835 on Monday, July 07, 2008 - 5:43 am:

good 1215401765835

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