John Doggett

Nitcentral's Bulletin Brash Reflections: XFiles: The Kitchen Sink is out there...: Characters: John Doggett

By MikeC on Sunday, April 08, 2001 - 6:23 am:

Thanks. Does anybody else here like this guy? I think the current season has been pretty erratic, but I really love the character of Doggett. It makes watching even uninspired rehash plots interesting.

By Amos on Sunday, April 08, 2001 - 1:16 pm:

I like to dislike him. He just has really grown on me much. I like him a lot better than Jeffery Spender and some of the FBI guys we'v seen though.

By Brian Fitzgerald on Sunday, April 08, 2001 - 8:10 pm:

I like him, but also because I'm a big fan of Robert Patrick ever since I saw him n T2. It's nice to see him finaly getting a good role.

By MarkN on Monday, April 09, 2001 - 3:18 am:

I'm with you, Brian. I've seen him in several things, including one little item that he was in with Teri Hatcher, which she'd rather no one knew about cuz of her brief topless scene. It's called, The Cool Surface (go out and rent it tonight!), and he plays an author and she's some woman that he has an affair with. He also was in a few eps of the last season of The Sopranos, but he didn't get killed, which is a bit surprising for that show cuz you come to expect everyone to die sooner or later on it.

By Brian Fitzgerald on Monday, April 09, 2001 - 8:28 pm:

Teri Hatcher, which she'd rather no one knew about cuz of her brief topless scene

Actualy I heard that she doesn't mind the topless scene as much as the fact that it's not important to the plot. I read an interview with her where she says that she fought aginst a topless scene in "2 days in the valley" because it was gratuitous; but fought to keep the topless scene in "Heaven's Prisoners" because it was important for establishing her character. How do you like that? A woman who really means it when she says she only does nudity when it is called for in the script.

By APD on Wednesday, February 06, 2002 - 8:55 am:

Though he doesn't die in The sopranos, he does end up in the nut house,we find this out only in passing during season three.

By LUIGI NOVI on Wednesday, February 06, 2002 - 11:54 am:

Mark: I'm with you, Brian. I've seen him in several things, including one little item that he was in with Teri Hatcher, which she'd rather no one knew about cuz of her brief topless scene.
Luigi Novi: Three of 'em, actually, if I recall correctly! :)

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