Crackdown - Season Premiere

Nitcentral's Bulletin Brash Reflections: Earth: Final Conflict: Season Three: Crackdown - Season Premiere

Season Three - Episode One

Part II of II

Official Summary: President Thompson (Barry Flatman) declares a national emergency and imposes martial law until the Resistance is crushed.

OK. Summary Time:
Well, Doors gets captured. Liam and Augur escape. Lili gets captured and killed. (Not Really.) President Thompson turns into a big boy by challenging the Taelons. Doors allys his company with Zo'or. We meet a new leather/vinyl clad character. We discover Lili really isn't dead.

The End.

- Well I liked this one, I like it a lot.

- I see great hope for season three.

- I like the new opening credits, mostly. At least it doesn't need with "on Earth: Final Conflict".

-Ah, I a little rushed. I hope you all enjoyed this one.

By Amos on Thursday, October 07, 1999 - 8:48 pm:

I just saw this one.

I kind of liked it. It was somewhat juvnile and hockiy, but it had plot and direction. I give it a 8 of 10. Formal Nitpicking on Saturday, after I get to see it again. Good Night.


By Triggins (Triggins) on Saturday, October 09, 1999 - 5:13 pm:

I guess the writer's forgot that Da'an was placed under arrest by Zo'or and Sandavol.

By Keith Alan Morgan on Saturday, October 09, 1999 - 7:08 pm:

Is it just me or does Liam look way older than last season?

So, how did the troops find Doors? Never explained.

When identifying Liam why didn't the guy assume that maybe he was trying to arrest Doors first?

What is it with the hair in this episode? Liam's, Sandoval's and that cop's hair all looked terrible. (Although I think the cop's hair was supposed to look bad.)

All that shooting in the police lab and not one cop comes to investigate?

When the woman is destroying the data we hear sparking sounds like the computer is shorting out. Why would the computers short out?

So why erase the Lily program? Why not just change the image and voice?

By KAM on Saturday, October 09, 1999 - 7:11 pm:

Triggins: Did they actually say Da'an was under arrest last season?
It could be that they were guards in case of a Resistance attack or just to keep Da'an from bothering Zo'or.

By Triggins (Triggins) on Saturday, October 09, 1999 - 7:17 pm:

It seemed a little manvolent last season when Sandoval walked in with the two guards. But they never said it. I guess they could have been protecting Da'an from the resistance.

By Jessica on Sunday, October 10, 1999 - 9:08 pm:

You know, I thought Liam looked older too.

I thought that maybe the woman(who ever she is)sent something to Auger's computer to make it short out (I have no idea what, but maybe future tech allows for that).

Have they ever explained why Liam has no skrill? I dropped out mid-second season, so I may have missed that and the explanation of why he has no implant. And why he forgets his ability to shoot bolts from his hands.

I figure that the Powers that Be had Auger erase the Lily program for dramatic effect; my sister's comment was "corny." It does seem like a wasted effort!

On the whole, though, I liked this show. It seemed--livelier than the 2nd season shows. More plotted, too. Hope that holds up.

By KAM on Sunday, October 10, 1999 - 10:26 pm:

Liam never had a skrill or an implant. I think Sandoval suggested one & Zo'or decided it wouldn't be necesary in the first episode of the 2nd season. (I believe Zo'or was hoping the lack of an implant or skrill would make him less effective as Da'an's protector.)

By Anonymous on Sunday, October 10, 1999 - 10:29 pm:

Liam's gun changed.

The scene with Lily in the engine room seemed more rushed than at the end of last year.

The shuttles have antimatter as a power source but the mothership only has fusion reactors. Right.

Liam got a new frosted hairdoo in under 30 seconds. Wow.

Zha'ors shimmer thing is new.

Liam seemed over the top.

That new shuttle they showed in the preview reminded me A LOT of the Dominion Battle Cruiser from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.

I wonder if anything will come of Holo-Lily's "baby"?

By kid k on Monday, October 11, 1999 - 9:52 am:

what does Doors have in mind? im a little upset with him for deciding to make a deal with zo'or....yeah, what happened to holo-Lily's "baby Auger"'d think that Auger would want to keep the recording was bad, did the dead body really look like Lily at all? Last question: What is up with Sadoval?!!!!!!!

By Scott McClenny on Monday, October 11, 1999 - 12:24 pm:

FYI:Jayne Heitmeyer who replaces Lisa Howard
this season was last seen as the quite red headed
Detective Lieutenant Brianna Branca on the now
canceled NIGHTMAN.

The ending where Doors' seemingly agrees to be
partners with Zo'or is more than a little
suspicious,methinks that the returnees and Lili's
corpse were all clones of the originals.

By Emony on Monday, October 11, 1999 - 1:44 pm:

Hey, Auger's braid was shorter at the beginnin of this ep I think.

By jamesbond on Tuesday, December 21, 1999 - 10:02 pm:

to answer some questions, didn't they cancell teh skrill program? They asked Liam to have a implant, but Zo'or said no to that.

By john on Tuesday, December 28, 1999 - 4:13 pm:

Doors only made the deal to get his company back.

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