In Memory

Nitcentral's Bulletin Brash Reflections: Earth: Final Conflict: Season Three: In Memory

Summary: Lili Marquette (Lisa Howard) falls victim to an elaborate Jaridian scheme that will forever alter the fate of the Earth.
By Keith Alan Morgan on Saturday, December 04, 1999 - 5:19 pm:

In the 'what happened previously' section, Sandoval says Lili is going to Alpha Centauri, then when Lili arrives she says it's thousands of light years away. Unless I've missed something, Alpha Centauri is 4.3 light years away.

By NSetzer (Nsetzer) on Sunday, December 05, 1999 - 2:00 pm:


Okay, I missed the Lili episode so I am a bit confused but then that may not be because I missed the episode, but let's not go into that....

Okay. KAM: good call about Alpha Centauri.

I must express that I knew it was the Jaridians and that they were trying to get ID drive technology as soon as they said she needed to repair the <insert technobabble device here>. I suspected it from the beginning. BUT, WHY DID SANDOVAL SEND HER THERE?????? Was this in the part I missed? Was this part of his plan? If it was who is he working for?

I hope some of the answers were in the episode I missed.

Also, a nit:

Jaridians don't have ID technology, yet the have managed to get to Alpha Centauri, which is not very far from Earth (closest star to us), yet VERY far from where their homeworld is. Not only that, they manage to get Lili BACK to their homeworld WITHOUT ID drive (recall the shuttle's ID drive was broken, which is why Lili needed to fix it) within her life time (infact it appears that it was just a few months).

With that, I wonder what has been going on with Earth during Lili's trip to Alpha Centauri, then to Jaridia (that's what they called it isn't it?)?
We, won't see Lili back on Earth for a while (it should be more than the wait for travel time to Earth from Jaridia which I believe they said was 10 months)

By Keith Alan Morgan on Sunday, December 05, 1999 - 7:29 pm:

When Lili comes to, she is told that the Taelons are dead, then later 'Liam' says that Zo'or is no longer part of the Commonality.

Why did it have to be A Tale Of Two Cities? That was the book that tipped off Dr. Bashir to the mind game in Extreme Measures.

Why didn't Lili wonder why Liam needed a charged weapon? Did she forget about his shakaraval?

Wouldn't you think the Jaridians would be interested in the fact that Liam is part Kimera? I guess ID drive first, questions about the Kimera second.

So what if Jaridian power is incompatible with Taelon technology? The Jaridians can read Lili's mind, if she could figure out a way to connect the two, so could they. This whole little mind game was unnecesary.

By Emony on Monday, December 06, 1999 - 9:01 am:

I knew from the start that it was all fake. But, that aside, it was an okay ep, since I missed Lili.

My nit is(unless I missed something second season)how would Liam know who the only man Lili ever loved was? Did she tell him sometime that I missed?

Did the Jaridians really take the CVI out or is she still a walking talking transmitter?

Finally, if she no longer has an "earthbased physiology", and she doesn't, 'cause she's still bleeding black, how could she survive on that asteroid with and obviously Earth atmosphere?

Can't wait to see what happens when they get back to Earth.....

By Kyle Powderly on Monday, December 06, 1999 - 11:53 am:

Just once in one of these 'you've been in a coma for years' fake-outs I would love for someone to tell the patient in front of the viewers, "You've been out of it for a while, so things that seem strange or a coincidence should be attributed to your some minor damage to your memories while you were under." Never having been in a coma myself (thank God!), I can't speak to whether or not I would be too disoriented to figure out what seems abundantly obvious to me as a viewer.

I do have to commend the writers for using a double-play trick: you're right, you're not back on Earth but in a Taelon prison that's meant to mess with your head. It's the most clever double-fake I've seen done in TV.

But the Jaridians told Lili that it would take months for the refitted Taelon shuttle to get from Jaridia (where, presumably, Sandoval sent her, the "Alpha Centuri 5" comment aside) back to Earth, which tells me it took that long for Lili to get there in the first place. So why did her index finger show the scab from where she cut herself on the window trying to escape from Sandoval? Was she in such suspended animation during her trip that her finger would not have healed, and was the suspended animation made clear to us?

And was anyone else as shocked as I was at Lili's revelation to the Liam hallucination? Not at the fact that Boone was the only man she ever really loved (that was obvious, to me at least, in season one) but that Boone was mentioned! Could it be that one of TPTB was poking another of TPTB with a sharp stick named William Boone? You know, one of the people who has been responsible for getting the show back on it's first season track and away from the mistakes of season two taking a shot at whoever it was that decided to kill off the character of Boone. I rather enjoyed the fact that a TV show did not shy away from mentioning a character who had died, though it was long overdue.

I don't want to speculate where this line of dialogue may lead, or just what TPTB have planned for Ronald Sandoval. He is hiding something; just what is his agenda? He has become the most interesting character in the show now, IMHO.

By Kyle Powderly on Monday, December 06, 1999 - 11:54 am:

Just once in one of these 'you've been in a coma for years' fake-outs I would love for someone to tell the patient in front of the viewers, "You've been out of it for a while, so things that seem strange or a coincidence should be attributed to some minor damage to your memories while you were under." Never having been in a coma myself (thank God!), I can't speak to whether or not I would be too disoriented to figure out what seems abundantly obvious to me as a viewer.

I do have to commend the writers for using a double-play trick: you're right, you're not back on Earth but in a Taelon prison that's meant to mess with your head. It's the most clever double-fake I've seen done in TV.

But the Jaridians told Lili that it would take months for the refitted Taelon shuttle to get from Jaridia (where, presumably, Sandoval sent her, the "Alpha Centuri 5" comment aside) back to Earth, which tells me it took that long for Lili to get there in the first place. So why did her index finger show the scab from where she cut herself on the window trying to escape from Sandoval? Was she in such suspended animation during her trip that her finger would not have healed, and was the suspended animation made clear to us?

And was anyone else as shocked as I was at Lili's revelation to the Liam hallucination? Not at the fact that Boone was the only man she ever really loved (that was obvious, to me at least, in season one) but that Boone was mentioned! Could it be that one of TPTB was poking another of TPTB with a sharp stick named William Boone? You know, one of the people who has been responsible for getting the show back on it's first season track and away from the mistakes of season two taking a shot at whoever it was that decided to kill off the character of Boone. I rather enjoyed the fact that a TV show did not shy away from mentioning a character who had died, though it was long overdue.

I don't want to speculate where this line of dialogue may lead, or just what TPTB have planned for Ronald Sandoval. He is hiding something; just what is his agenda? He has become the most interesting character in the show now, IMHO.

By Anonymous on Tuesday, December 07, 1999 - 5:03 pm:

Just befoer Lili finds the copy of A Tale of Two Cities next to her bed, she says something to the nurse that sounds suspiciously Taelon/Jaridian and the nurse responds. First of all I didn't know Lily knew any phrases in the language, and it must have suprized the nurse to make her (?) forget her role and answer in the same Taelon/Jaridian language.

And incidently, Lili is the first person to properly pronounce anything in the language since the end of season one. Not even the Taelons use the whispering accent of their language anymore.

By Scott McClenny on Wednesday, December 08, 1999 - 3:52 pm:

Well Anonymous,Lili HAD been working as Companion
Protector for Da'an since the pilot so it is quite
likely under those circumstances that she might
have picked up a bit of Taelonese,or may have
learned some from Boone.

I'm not surprised about the TALE OF TWO CITIES,
guess whoever wrote it must have watched the
DS9 episode and thought it a good trick to use.
Besides I think it is one of the few books out
there where everyone is familiar with the opening

There was,as far as I know,any hint that the
Jaridians were going to bring Lili back to
Earth with them when they invaded,all they needed
her to do was to fix the Interdimensional Drive,
which of course begs the question don't the
Jaridians have technicians and engineers who
COULD have done the same job with the Taelon

Lot of talk about removing Lili's CVI before
they actually did,so what WERE they doing in
the meantime..I mean they must have been aware
that it was acting as an servalliance,then again
Lili was out for a long time too...

By Kyle Powderly on Thursday, December 09, 1999 - 7:40 am:

Lili's speaking in Taelon and the nurse's response was the main nit I picked with regards to 'why didn't Lili pick up on what was happening earlier?'. Considering the nurse's response sounded fairly hostile, I KNEW that she was not Taelon, and, I would think, so would someone smart enough to be a fighter pilot in general, let alone one smart enough, tough enough, quick enough, etc. to be a jet jockey in the Marine Corps!

By Amos on Saturday, December 11, 1999 - 5:14 pm:

I just got done watching, not bad. I rather enjoyed it. E:FC didn't quite do all in the mind episode the way Trek has. I did enjoy the fact there was no real wrap up at the end, just a nice fade to black with looming music.

By NSetzer (Nsetzer) on Saturday, December 11, 1999 - 8:46 pm:


I thought that Lili was using that "who is the only man I ever really loved" bit as a way to PROVE it was all in her head!!!! the premise is that you ask someone something you never told them and if they know the answer they must be a figment of your imagination (or along those lines) because you most certainly know the answer. However, the REAL one should not know.

Confused yet??

By Amos on Saturday, December 11, 1999 - 10:23 pm:

The a good question is why she would tell Liam that.

By Amos on Monday, December 13, 1999 - 5:57 pm:

Another comment of what Sandoval said were Lili was going, besides the fact that that isn't what he said in the orginial episode, it sounds like a really bad voice-over, and I am forced to wonder why the producers would have him say that.

By John on Tuesday, December 21, 1999 - 5:12 pm:

When the Jaridian boarded Lili's shuttle his helmet dissolves just like the Goa'uld helmets.

Lili is told that she was in a coma for 3 years.
Later she learns that Doors was elected President last year. If that were so, then Lili should have been gone for 5 years, not 3. At 3 years the next election would still be a year away. This should have been the first clue that this was all a fake.

By KAM on Sunday, December 26, 1999 - 6:36 am:

Just saw The Vanished & Sandoval didn't mention Alpha Centauri. So if it is only mentioned in the recap, and not in the actual show, then is it a valid nit or not? Hmmmmm...

(It's a conspiracy! TPTB are trying to drive us nitpickers crazy! But their mind rays will never get through my aluminum foil hat!)

By Amos on Sunday, December 26, 1999 - 10:46 pm:

And once I ask why was it changed?

By john on Tuesday, December 28, 1999 - 4:05 pm:

As of heroes and heartbreak the Jaridian Fleet is 78 light-years from Earth so Lily should have to go much farther than Alpha Centari to reach the front lines which is where she appeared to be at the beginning of the show

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