Unintentionally Funny Movies

Nitcentral's Bulletin Brash Reflections: Movies: The Cutting Room Floor (The Movies Kitchen Sink): Movie Lists and Awards: Unintentionally Funny Movies
By D.K. Henderson on Tuesday, May 23, 2000 - 5:34 am:

What's the funniest movie you've seen that was not supposed to be funny?

Conversely, what comedies have you seen that you didn't think were funny at all?

By Allegra on Tuesday, May 23, 2000 - 12:25 pm:

Probably "Eyes Wide Shut", for the first,
( Tom and Nicole Speaking slowly for dramatic effect, silly Orgy scenes that are supposed to be intense, Tom and Nicole trying to be natural together, for instance)

and "There's Something about Mary" for the second.
(Okay, the end made me laugh, but that was it. I yawned through the rest of it). I know most people LOVED this movie; I thought all the gags in it were older than dirt and I felt like I was being dared NOT to laugh.

By Cazbah on Wednesday, May 31, 2000 - 8:57 am:

Congo was a hoot!

By TWS Garrison on Monday, June 12, 2000 - 3:19 am:

I watched _Falling Down_ once with two or three friends and we were laughing hysterically throughout.

By Wes Collins on Friday, June 16, 2000 - 1:01 pm:

Please treat Falling Down with some respect. Or Mr. Lee might hit you with his bat that he keeps for "DEFENSE!"

By Adam Bomb on Sunday, March 25, 2001 - 3:10 pm:

"Falling Down" treated its lead character with no respect. His name was Bill Foster, but is credited only as D-Fens. Good flick, though.

By Craig Rohloff on Sunday, January 27, 2002 - 4:52 pm:

Thanks to MST3K, I can can laugh at just about any seroius movie now.

As for a "comedy" that wasn't: The 'Burbs, with Tom Hanks.

By kerriem. on Monday, January 28, 2002 - 12:19 pm:

My mom tells me Armageddon is the most 'ridiculous' action movie she ever saw. (And this is coming from a woman who LOVED Speed 2.)

I realize this is probably more personal taste than anything else, but I just didn't get The Graduate. And I know Dustin Hoffman can make me laugh, 'cause I was ROTFLOL all the way thru Tootsie. Maybe it's the generation gap?...

By Adam Bomb on Friday, February 01, 2002 - 11:18 pm:

For me, "The Graduate" was an acquired taste; I respected it only after seeing it uncut on The Movie Channel. CBS ran it a few times in the '70's, and it bored me there.

By Ryan Whitney on Wednesday, June 07, 2006 - 9:38 pm:

"Caddyshack". This film is legendary to a lot of guys of a certain age, and is often found on lists of the top comedies of all time. For me, it was just okay, barely. I just saw the movie for the first time a few months ago on DVD, and I didn't see what all the hype was about.

"2001: A Space Odyssey". If you're alert and can sit through it, it's a good movie. But I didn't see it in 1968 (mostly because I wasn't born yet). I first saw it in widescreen format in 2001. The movie is slow. Very slow. And it's a little confusing. Maybe more than a little confusing. I didn't think it was a masterpiece. I don't have a problem with a movie which leaves me with big questions at the end. But I do have a problem with such a movie when I think the movie makers themselves probably weren't sure what the movie was supposed to be saying.

On the other hand, I liked "The Legend of Zorro" a lot, but most critics hated it, and it died a quick death at the box office.

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