Tears of the Sun

Nitcentral's Bulletin Brash Reflections: Movies: Action/Adventure: Tears of the Sun
By LUIGI NOVI on Saturday, March 08, 2003 - 10:02 pm:

Wow. This movie really got to me. As jungle military action movies go, this was done very well. The movie makes you care about Bruce Willis and his men, and the plight of these refugees, and really makes you hate the Nigerian soldiers, and their repugnant acts of ethnic cleansing.

The one thing I didn't understand was, when L.T. (Bruce Willis) realized they had a rat in their midst he asks Dr. Hendricks (Monica Bellucci) who arrived at their mission within the past few days, and Hendricks points out one man, and two other men that (IIRC) she says are "his men." The first man flees, and is revealed to have a radio with which he’s been radioing the Nigerian rebels. Then Bruce interrogates the remaining two, who are revealed to be the Nigerian tribal chief and an African soldier. But why would they be with the first man, who had been betraying them? Or did I misunderstand the scene, and they were not associated with that first traitor?

By Jesse on Tuesday, May 06, 2003 - 12:54 pm:

Luigi, I don't think they were with the traitor at all. I think that the 'traitor' was forced to simply 'drift' into the refugee camp after they did. In other words, the King of Nigeria (I think they said he was a king) and his bodyguard seek refuge after the government falls and the rebels grab this guy, give him the radio, and say "Follow those two or else."

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