You, Me and Dupree

Nitcentral's Bulletin Brash Reflections: Movies: Comedy: You, Me and Dupree
By Adam Bomb on Friday, June 29, 2007 - 10:53 am:

A decent time waster, if you're in the mood for a slacker comedy (which I was last night.)

Owen Wilson.........Dupree (Wilson was also a producer on the film)
Kate Hudson.........Molly
Matt Dillon............Carl
Michael Douglas.....Mr. Thompson

Also look for a short bit with Lance Armstrong (but after the end credits, and without Sheryl Crow, who he was engaged to while this was being shot.)
Directed by Anthony and Joe Russo (are they trying to be the new Farelly Brothers?) Written by Michael LeSieur. Run time - 109 minutes (please wait for Lance). Rated PG-13 for adult situations, drug usage, some mild nudity and sex content, and language.

Owen Wilson plays Dupree, who's a lifelong slacker, and refuses to grow up. He's the best man at Carl and Molly's wedding, but has nowhere to go afterward. So, he moves onto Molly and Carl's couch.
Thhe filming of this movie made the tabloid circuit, as Kate Hudson chucked her husband (Chris Robinson of "The Black Crowes") for Owen Wilson during production.
Wilson's goofball character is not too far removed from his "Oscar" character from Armageddon. If I recall that film (some of us don't want to), he's the one who got peeved when people thought "Jethro Tull" was actually a member of the band.
There's a page on the "Legal Musings" board here, dealing with the "feud" that developed between Wilson and Steely Dan over the name "Dupree."
One thing that really irked me, and that almost stopped the movie cold for me, was the discussion of vasectomies. No movie or TV show I've seen that dealt with vasectomies ever got it 100% right. Not Seinfeld, not Two and a Half Men, and not this film. Mr Thompson hints that he wants his son-in-law Carl to get a vasectomy, and gives him a pamphlet about the procedure. The film is OK, up to the point where he implies that once the surgery is done, that's it. That's not it, not by a longshot. A man who has one (including yours truly) has to undergo a lot of testing before he gets the "all clear." In my case, it took eight months after surgery to be cleared. One day, some film or TV show will get it right...
A bit of trivia I learned from IMDB - the living room set of Carl and Molly's house used to be the Steadman's living room in the classic series thirtysomething.

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