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By LUIGI NOVI (Lnovi) on Friday, November 02, 2007 - 11:25 pm:

100 Movies, 100 Numbers.

I don't know how much work it took the creator of this video to put it together, but it was fun watching it.

I thought it would've been funnier to use other parts of the scene used for #36 for #37 instead.

I was wondering what they'd use to for #1 to end it all, and I was very pleased with their choice.

By Luigi_novi (Luigi_novi) on Thursday, August 28, 2008 - 7:16 pm:

10 underrated sci-fi films.

By Luigi_novi (Luigi_novi) on Friday, March 13, 2009 - 2:47 pm:

I came across several articles about historical inaccuracies in film.

The first one is 7 Movies Based on a True Story (That Are Complete Bull****), and is about films mostly from modern history. Its url is giving me trouble formatting it into this post for some reason, so you'll have to write it out in your browser's address field.

The url is http://www.cracked.com/article_16478_7-movies-based-on-true-story-that-are-complete-bull****.html, but you'll have to substitute the four asterisks with the proper word (which I assume readers will understand).

I was surprised JFK wasn't at least mentioned, though maybe that's because that movie's mendacities are so profound that it rates its own website.

The second one is 11 Movies Saved by Historical Inaccuracy, which lists films set in more ancient times.

I think the inclusion of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon was pretty specious, since the conceit of characters who can fly makes it obvious that this was a fantasy. I also think it's a bit dumb to include 2001: A Space Odyssey, since with the previous films, they're talking about historical inaccuracies, whereas with 2001, they're talking about future inaccuracies.

The third one is the more technical 5 Things Hollywood Thinks Computers Can Do.

The WarGames one was the funniest.

The last one (which actually directed me to the first one above, which in turn directed me to the second and the third), is a piece by Jeff Wagg on James Randi's website, which focuses on the new film The Haunting in Connecticut, as well as the 1997 Mel Gibson-produced Fairy Tale: A True Story, Fargo, and The Amityville Horror.

Great reads, all around.

By Benn (Benn) on Friday, March 13, 2009 - 8:13 pm:

The James Randi link gave me the message "404 Not Found The requested URL /cgi-bin/discus/www.randi.org does not exist."

I can't believe The Texas Chainsaw Massacre wasn't mentioned as being a supposedly "true" story.

Interesting links are around, though.

By Benn (Benn) on Sunday, April 19, 2009 - 10:09 pm:

The 67 Most Influential Movies according to Total Film. Interesting list. They are wrong about Star Wars having CG in its initial run, though.

By John A. Lang (Johnalang) on Monday, April 20, 2009 - 8:02 pm:

They're wrong about Star Wars PERIOD...it should be a lower number...like #5

By Benn (Benn) on Monday, April 20, 2009 - 8:06 pm:

They're listed more or less in chronological order, John.

By John A. Lang (Johnalang) on Monday, April 20, 2009 - 8:13 pm:

Oh. I thought it was based on "favorites", or "popularity" or something like that

By Luigi_novi (Luigi_novi) on Monday, April 20, 2009 - 9:50 pm:

No, it's influential films. The article even describes how/why each one was influential.

By Luigi_novi (Luigi_novi) on Tuesday, April 21, 2009 - 8:20 pm:

Stars who die the most in their films.

By Mike Cheyne (Mikec) on Wednesday, April 22, 2009 - 1:05 pm:

Of perhaps more note could be the fatality rates of supporting players like Sean Bean.

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