Genesis 0:8

Nitcentral's Bulletin Brash Reflections: Neon Genesis Evangelion: Genesis 0:8
Episode 15: Lies And Silence -- Those women longd for the touch ot others’ lips, and thus invited their kisses
Epidode 16: Sickness Unto Death, And... -- Splitting of the Breast

Betrayals and revelations erupt across NERV as Kaji's allegiance to a higher authority becomes apparent. However, is he on the side of good or evil? The discovery of what lurks inside a Top Secret hanger inside NERV is enough to shake anyone's faith in Mankind. Meanwhile, the latest set of results from NERV's now routine harmonics tests reveal that Shinji's synchronisation ratio has now surpassed that of Asuka's. Unfortunately, Shinji's new found self confidence leads to him taking on a new Angel alone. This is a huge mistake that becomes deadly when a the Angel attacks and absorbs Unit 01. Trapped inside a shadowy womb-like structure, Shinji's mind begins to collapse as a series of hallucinations assault his sanity and unless he can free himself, Ritsuko will have him destroyed.
By Blitz - Digimon Moderator (Sladd) on Tuesday, October 07, 2003 - 8:52 am:

Episode 15: Apparently the affects of drunk can be altered by a dramatic scene. Misato's speech is slured in the traditional drunk manner until she starts confessing her feelings to Kaji. As soon as the serious stuff starts happening, though, her speach clears right up!

By Blitz - Digimon Moderator (Sladd) on Tuesday, October 07, 2003 - 8:17 pm:

Also, it may just be hard to see, but it looks like Kaji's stuble vanishes when we see his reflection in the window

By Blitz - Digimon Moderator (Sladd) on Tuesday, October 07, 2003 - 9:25 pm:

Episode 16:

What happened to Shinji in this episode? When did he get interested enough in being a pilot to start bragging about his sync ratio? That's really out of character.

Now, the angel in this episode is a BRILLIANT design, but there's a few things I don't understand. So, the "shadow" is the actual angel, and the "orb" is actually it's shadow... so why does the orb vanish when fired at? And where was the "shadow" before it absorbed Unit 01?

This is kind of an extention of the nit above, but at the begining of the ep unit 01 is sucked into the "shadow" of the Angel. Yet, when it braks out at the end at the end, unit 01 emerges from the orb. How did it get up there?

By Scott McClenny on Friday, February 03, 2006 - 9:14 am:

At the end of Sickness Unto Death And...Eva 01 is seen emerging from the 'shadow ball' in the sky,but how did this happen when it and Shinji were swallowed by the Angel on the ground?

Ritsuko is worried about how Shinji and Rei will react if they learn the truth about the Evas,shouldn't she also have been worried about how Asuka would react,considering how hot headed she is?

Nice continuation of the previous episode with Gendo and Ritsuko commenting on the fact that Misato is still pretty much in the dark about the truth of Adam,the Angels,the Evas,the purpose of NERV,etc.

Hmmm..wasn't Ritusko superceeding her authority by taking command away from Misato,aftet all she's only the head technician so what right does that give her to replace Misato?
Is there something more to Ritsuko's position than meets the eye?

Next week the Fourth Child is finally revealed.

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