Genesis 0:10

Nitcentral's Bulletin Brash Reflections: Neon Genesis Evangelion: Genesis 0:10
Episode 19: A Man's Fight -- Introjection
Episode 20: Form Of The Mind, Form Of The Man – WEAVING A STORY 2: oral stage

The sight of the Fourth Child’s body in the torn remnants of Eva Unit 03 snaps Shinji’s mind. Disgraced and dismissed from NERV, Shinji can only stand by and watch in horror as the most powerful Angel yet attacks NERV and defeats both Asuka and Rei with horrifying ease. In order to save his friends, Shinji must once again take control of the dangerously unstable Unit 01. It’s the most nightmarish confrontation yet, but the worst is still to come. Not only must Shinji conquer his own fears and defeat the Angel, but he must also fight for his very life and soul in the belly of the beast itself. For what the Eva has consumed it will not relinquish easily.
By JUNO on Saturday, November 13, 1999 - 5:56 pm:

Whats it with Shinjis clothese turning into a plug suit???? ooopssss GAinax......well, some crazy EVA lovers out there say that "his will made the plugsuit","He was wearing it under his shirt", well wrong wrong Bs wrong!

Well, though I give the "will forms plug suit" a chance, that is very unlikely.

The thing I want to know is whats "Introjection"?

Sorry about the crude language above, its just that I posted a few messages on another message board a while ago explaining a few things, and since the knowledge less scums didnt beleive me, they kicked me out of the message board even though I was right all along.........(I lived in Japan so I watched it on prime time 2 years before it even hit the shores of the US)

anyway, so an apologeez from me.
Anyway I feel alot better now

By bioforce on Saturday, January 15, 2000 - 12:08 am:

From The American Heritage Dictionary:
in·tro·ject v. tr. Psychiatry 1. To incorporate (characteristics of a person or an object) into one's own psyche unconsciously.

Refering of course to Shinji's melding with the eva.

By Jason on Sunday, May 13, 2001 - 4:37 pm:

When what's-his-name first wakes in the hospital (The Fourth Child), the face mask has a hole in it. Then we see Shinji for a moment lying in the other bed, and when we cut back, the holes have vanished.

By Blitz - Digimon Moderator (Sladd) on Tuesday, October 07, 2003 - 8:15 pm:

So... Why does Toji see Shinji's inner dialogue?

By Blitz - Digimon Moderator (Sladd) on Tuesday, October 07, 2003 - 9:28 pm:

Misato makes a comment about not knowing what's in "that black box"... What? is she talking about the thing in the center of Unit 01? Gee, that's kind of round and, I dunno, spherical to be a "box"

And where did Rei get her hands on an N2 mine? Do they just leave them lying around NERV?

By Scott McClenny on Saturday, February 25, 2006 - 9:41 am:

Hikari says that they allowed her in because she was the class rep.Or could it be because they wanted to take a more careful look at her close up as the possible Fifth Child?
With NERV it's rather hard to tell.

Rei's line about not worrying if she gets killed or not seems to imply that she is well aware of what's really going on at least as far as her own status goes.

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