The Medusa Bug

Nitcentral's Bulletin Brash Reflections: ReBoot: Season One: The Medusa Bug

Hexadecimal tricks Megabyte into unleashing her deadly creation, the Medusa Bug, on an unsuspecting Mainframe. The invincible bug spreads, devastating Mainframe and all its inhabitants--only Bob remains immune, and it is up to him to outsmart the unpredictable Hexadecimal and save his friends.
By D. Stuart, the ReBoot moderator on Monday, May 17, 1999 - 8:05 pm:

My "nit-picks" are as numerically proceeds:
1) The ambient path of the Medusa Bug, as indicated by Phong's monitor of the Mainframe vicinity, is much closer to the Principal Office than as later displayed.
2) Bob inquisitively remarks, "Virus Erase Command?", when the device is clearly inscribed with the words Viral Erase Command. It is not much of a difference, but a "nit-pick" nonetheless.
3) How was Scuzzy infected by the Medusa Bug if his master Hexadecimal's lair was out of reach of the epidemic?

By D. Stuart, the ReBoot moderator on Sunday, May 30, 1999 - 8:35 pm:

Megabyte was infected the longest with the Medusa Bug, yet he had never shattered as did Binomes that were later infected nor was his contraction of the epidemic abiding by Phong's prediction.

By Endoporpoise on Tuesday, April 18, 2000 - 6:37 pm:

This may not be a nit, but you can tell this bug was made by Hex. In several scenes we see the Medusa moving from the outer third of Mainframe to the outer two thirds. Yet two scenes later, we see the bug taking over the same territory. Boy, this is a chaotic bug; after taking over parts of the city, it *retreats*. (This also might explain why Frisket falls over three times ;). )

Also, in order for the words on the Viral Erase Command to be correctly aligned according to perspective, they would have to be italicized about 80 degrees from normal. It might not be a nit, but it looks really odd.

By Peter Stoller on Wednesday, January 16, 2002 - 9:38 pm:

3) Hexadecimal's lair probably was not out of the reach of the epidemic, if it infected ALL of Mainframe. Sure, Lost Angles doesn't look it but Hexadecimal was immune like Bob. Scuzzy wasn't.
Megabyte was infected the longest but still not long enough for the infection to cause him to decay.
Megabyte should have disconnected that arm like he disconnects his legs befofe the bug could infect the rest of him.
This episode introduces the Guardian teddy bear as well as other regular binomes like Toque, mother, father and baby, and more.
The Principal Office shield is shown for the first time, though not referred to at all in the dialogue.
What exactly happens at the end? Does the bug remanifest itself in Mainframe and immediately go for Bob? Is this the end of Rico?

By Merat on Monday, April 15, 2002 - 4:41 pm:

Actually, I think that Megabyte SAVED Hex's island from becomming infected. He ordered Hack and Slash to break the bridge which was the only thing connecting Lost Angels to the rest of Mainframe.

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