Web World Wars

Nitcentral's Bulletin Brash Reflections: ReBoot: Season Two: Web World Wars

The portal opened by the web creature in "Trust No One" has left Mainframe wide open to invasion from the Web, the dangerous alternative system to the Net. Bob must enlist the help of Megabyte and Hexadecimal to close the rift before the city is destroyed, but will the viruses work with Bob...or against him?
By D. Stuart, the ReBoot moderator on Wednesday, June 16, 1999 - 4:10 pm:

My "nit-picks" are as numerically proceeds:
1) How did that black substance stain the rear of the CPU squad car? In any case, the black substance vanishes during the scene in which the CPU squad car is plummeting to its demise.
2) The remaining two probing web creatures are conspicuously observed as approaching the portal. However, there is only one web creature present in a far-off shot of those same two web creatures.
3) After Megabyte clasps his hands around Bob's head and consequently triturates Glitch, why does Megabyte not simply slay Bob right then and there while the opportunity presents itself? If you cogitate it for a moment, this is the first time Megabyte truly has a detrimental grip on Bob. Then again, killing Bob would have eliminated any hope for vitiating Megabyte's dominance later in the third season.

By Mike Konczewski on Friday, July 23, 1999 - 1:45 pm:

D., may I make a suggestion? Always speak simply. Why use "triturate" when you know you mean "crush"?

By Ed Jefferson (Ejefferson) on Saturday, July 24, 1999 - 8:29 am:

Yeah, and while you're at it,

"My "nit-picks" are as numerically proceeds: "

could just be something simple like

"my nits are:"

By Nawdle on Tuesday, August 10, 1999 - 2:09 am:

Right after Bob gives Enzo his icon back (After downloading the Guardian protocols.).Enzo has an extra icon on his hat before he changes into his Guardian uniform.

I wish I could take credit for this,but my friend Brian noticed this first.

By D. Stuart, the ReBoot moderator on Monday, October 04, 1999 - 3:16 pm:

I may confirm that Enzo Matrix had indeed bore an additional icon on his hat as his format was being configured to that of a Guardian. By the way, I realize I may have been vague with much of my "nit-picks," such as the one regarding the two remnant probing web creatures. Speaking of this particular "nit-pick," I wish to also note that Bob ordered, "You've got stop that probe!", or something to that effect as the two remnant probing web creatures were streaking to the portal. Furthermore, Hack and Slash appear to be differently arranged prior to, during, and immediately following their pursuit and roughhouse of the eluding web creature.

By Peter Stoller on Saturday, February 02, 2002 - 9:18 am:

ReBoot gets heavy. There's lots of guns in this one. The Principal Office now sports brand new point defenses such as those anti-airgraft guns, and the War Room is introduced. It looks a bit sparse here, but set detailing will come in season 3.

This episode was censored for content when ABC broadcast it, or at least when they re-ran it. Dot's line concerning her battle uniform and big harness-mounted gun, "Does it make me look too butch?" was cut, as well as a few scenes of destruction such as aircraft crashing and exploding into fireballs, including the one that falls on and destroys Dot's Diner.

"Sir" and "Binky" are back one more time. The last we see of them is their mayday call, "The ABCs are attacking us!"

Best shot of the episode is Megabyte making that deliciously evil face before launching Bob into the Web.

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